Monday, September 30, 2019
The Significance of Art in The Republic of Plato
The Republic of Plato as parasols the justice of a censored society which, in reading The Republic as a philosophical treatise, is not surprising. Quotes abound in The Republic supporting this claim, such as â€Å"we must supervise the makers of tales; and if they make a fine tale, it must be approved, but if it's not, it must be rejected. We'll persuade nurses and mothers to tell the approved tales to their children and to shape their souls with tales more than their bodies with hands. Most of those they now tell must be thrown out. Bloom, Bibb)' Through-out the education of the guardians of the city within The Republic, Socrates restricts the poets and story tellers more and more, tossing out what ever would seem to harm his perfectly Just city or diminish the patriotism of those living within. It comes as no surprise that the casual reader may have qualms with this extreme censorship of the artist and what they are permitted to create. A closer reading and an Idea of the social s ignificance of the artist 2500 years ago, seems to reveal a different Intent to Socrates seemingly stubborn pollen of art.Plato was an artist himself, writing beautiful dramatic dialogues, which are most unlike the more modern philosophers like Kant or Hegel who write philosophical treatise. This distinction becomes important in how Plato Is read in comparison to other philosophers. In the mainstream philosophy of our time the most common way to read a philosopher's writing is through a collection of excerpts from many writers on a certain topic. These books are great for getting a lot of different views but unfortunately they destroy the messages contained in non philosophical treatise type writing, such as Plat's.Flats writing can not be taken out of context with excerpts. It would be Like taking Machete's speech from Shakespeare play Macbeth and saying that Is Shakespearean philosophy on the meaning of life, It simply does not do Justice to the writer and their work. The Republic Is about searching for Justice In the human soul, it is also about leading Glaucoma away from a political life because he has a possibly tyrannical soul (Palmer, 33-34)2. The arguments used to bring about these two points cannot be taken out of context from the book to portray a different theory of Plates.The prejudices against Plates philosophical writings usually come from taking an excerpt and applying logical analysis to prove his arguments invalid which simply displays a lack of understanding of how Plato writes. How Socrates came to talk to those in the dialogues, why he is talking to them, and what is not said is Just as important as what Is said in the Platonic dialogues, they are all dramas and should be read as such. Now that we have some reasons for doubting the common criticism of Plates views on art from The Republic.I would like to demonstrate specific reasons for doubting sides to bring about the perfectly Just city in speech and follow up with Socrates own criticism of this city and his reasons for doubting its relevance. The city in speech brought about with The Republic begins with the end of Socrates seeming refutation of Trashcans which Glaucoma rejects and restates the argument for further scrutiny (AAA-361 d). The argument is over whether it is a better life to live perfectly Just or perfectly unjust.Glaucoma states the argument as such â€Å"For I desire to hear what each is and what power it has all alone by itself when t is in the soul†dismissing its wages and its consequences. â€Å"(Bloom, Bibb) After some convincing, Socrates accepts the challenge to defend Justice (ICC). In taking on this feet, Socrates contrives an easier way to spot Justice in the soul. He claims that justice in the soul is like small letters and hard to see while Justice in a city is like big letters and will be easier to see (ICC-d). So Socrates sets out to creating a perfectly just city in speech to flush out Justice in the soul.Whether or not this is a decent attempt to find Justice will be dealt with later by Socrates himself. The first city created, or the first stage of the city, is based on a â€Å"city of utmost necessity' and grows only to the size of a small city (Palmer, 16; Bibb-371 b). Glaucoma rejects this simple city and wants one with more luxury (ICC-d). Socrates believes the first city created was the true and healthy city but he agrees to create a â€Å"feverish†city (IEEE). This forces the city to grow much larger and to take land away from neighbors to support it and, in doing so the city will need an army (37th-e).Attendants urges for a discussion of how these â€Å"guardians†of the city will be educated and reluctantly Socrates accepts and says like men telling myths within a myth we will educate the guardians (Palmer, 16; 37th). Socrates, in his own creation of this city in speech, is claiming here that he is telling a myth, and further, that the education of the guardians is a myth within a myth. This, ironically, is the beginning of the education of the guardians in which Socrates brings about his famed censorship.Socrates continues to give clues to his disapproval of his own argument, as if he is just putting on a show at this point. After discovering Justice in the city, Socrates ants to find out if it corresponds to Justice in the soul, remember the big and small letters. Socrates says â€Å"We were, I believe, saying that in order to get to the finest possible look at these things another and longer road around would be required, and to the man who took it they would become evident, but that proofs on a level with what had been said up to then could be tacked on.And you all said that would suffice. And so, you see, the statements made at that time were, as it looks to me, deficient in precision. If they were satisfactory to you, only you can tell. â€Å"(Bloom, Bibb; n reference to Dodd) Amazingly, Glaucoma accepts what Socrates called a deficient argument on both occasions, although the serious reader probably should not. (As Palmer, 23, remarks: â€Å"Heretofore, the arguments were so lacking in precision that they may have been without any value whatsoever (AAA-b). ) Socrates to tell how it could come into being (471 c-e). Glaucoma forgets, as most readers do, that the city was not created for the purpose of creating a city but for discovering Justice in the human soul. Socrates reminds him, in length, of his mistake and what the true purpose of the city is (Bibb-Bibb). Glaucoma's demand that the good city in speech be realized measures exactly the degree to which he has not understood the Republic. (Penetrate, 123)3 As seems to be true for anyone who believes Socrates was trying to create a true city, and therefore, any regulations Socrates makes within this city. Further evidence for this is evident later on when Glaucoma declares that the philosophers will not mind the business of politics because he finally understands the nonsen sical nature of the city. But, Socrates again reminds him of what they were really talking about and that the philosopher will mind the equines of the city within himself, he will mind the business of his own soul (Palmer, 32).Although the city in speech within The Republic does not seem to represent a real city and should not be taken as a literal attempt to create a perfectly Just city in reality, the fact remains that Plato does seem to be very hard on the artist, especially the poets. The image of the cave sets up mankind as looking at the shadows of artifacts displayed on the wall of a cave by the poets (Palmer, 28; AAA-51 AAA). This gives good reason for Socrates being so hard on them in the creation of the city in beech if the poets are the ones deceiving mankind.Today, of course, poets are not an influence on political life and it would seem ridiculous to accuse them of writing false poems. In Athens and ancient Greek culture, the poets were a major influence. They were the authority on the gods and on virtue. In fact, they were the only authority that would be quoted in a trial or by a representative of the people. They would be very well known by almost all inhabitants of Athens. â€Å"The poets are the unacknowledged legislators of mankind†(Penetrate, 223). It was not the arts homeless which Plato was attacking but their significance in politics.Plato was attempting to replace the poet's authority with the authority of philosophy or of reason, which would seem most natural to anyone today. Plat's true intent in his criticism of the poets is brought up later on in The Republic when in book X he attacks Homer specifically. He compares Homer to the likes of an artisan that makes objects or anything he wants including gods through representation (ICC). Glaucoma claims that this man could only be a sophist (59th). The implicit problem that Socrates poses with the poet is that he does not give an explanation of himself.Homer talks about virtuous p eople and the fantastic deeds they do but these heroes do not praise the poets for their deeds. The poet seems to have no place in his own writing and their â€Å"Speech seems to be subordinate to the deed. †Of the people they are praising (Bloom, 430). Socrates claims that the poet is an imitator of an imitator, in that, the poet appeals to the people and what they want and is only popular if they approve, he must follow the popular view. The people's view is shaped by the legislator who lays down laws in view of what he believes would be natural law (Bloom, 432).
Egypt, the Troubled Giant
Egypt, The Troubled Giant Name__________________ Note: This textbook case was prepared â€Å"prior†to the Egyptian revolution that occurred early in 2011. The questions should be answered based on the situation at the period of time considered in the question. QUESTION 1: How would you describe the economic policy that Egypt implemented during 2004-2008? The new economic policy was one that promoted trade and put less regulation on Egyptian businesses. 1a. Do you think this policy helped to boost Egypt’s growth rate? Why or why not? I absolutely believe this policy helped boost their growth rate.Virtually all of the statistics used to measure an economy showed that they were growing rapidly during this period. It is only reasonable to assume their policy, which promoted trade and increased domestic business opportunities would have had a large hand in this. QUESTION 2: How vulnerable was the Egyptian economy to a slowdown in global economic activity such as that which occurred in 2009? They were very vulnerable to economic slowdown due to the fact that much of the revenue that promoted their growth was coming from foreign outlets such as investments, tourism, and Egyptian expatriate workers.If these foreign countries experienced a slowdown in economic activity it would, and did, have a great affect on the Egyptian economy. 2a. What would the countries objectives be to reduce this vulnerability? To reduce this vulnerability, I believe they should focus on having strong domestic areas that don’t have as much dependence on foreign companies. QUESTION 3: What were some of the risks in Egypt’s current political system may of led to the revolution of 2011? The main risk in Egypt’s political system is that it went against the norms of most industrialized countries.As people gain standing financially, they begin to expect better treatment and expect their voices to be heard more. 3a. What is the best case scenario going forward, what is the worst case scenario? The best case scenario is that they evolve into a more democratic country and give their citizen more rights. Worst case, they once again fall to an autocratic leader and rescind their economic policy changes. QUESTION 4: Post revolution; is Egypt an attractive market for international business?I think Egypt is now a very attractive market for international business. Egyptians must feel more empowered than they have in a long time, this attitude will be perfect for expanding their economy and reaching new areas of business that they couldn’t before. 4a. What advice would you give to a multinational enterprise considering investment in Egypt? I would advise a multinational enterprise to invest in companies’ area that promoted growth in the Egyptian economy to help them emerge as a strong member of the global economy.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Harper Lee’s Influence on Scout
Harper Lee grew up in Monroeville, Alabama where girls were expected to be ladies, Harper Lee was just the opposite, a tomboy, and she wrote her famous novel â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird†based upon her childhood experiences. Harper Lee made her main character Scout to be very similar to her. Harper Lee created the town of Maycomb with features almost exactly like Monroeville. Harper Lee based Scout’s father Atticus after her own father Amasa Coleman Lee. Harper Lee based her book â€Å"To Kill A Mockingbird†about her own childhood because she thought an author should write what he knows. Harper Lee was a strong early reader and similarly so was Scout. â€Å"As a child, Harper Lee was an avid reader, similar to Scout's own ability to read before starting school. †(To Kill a Mockingbird). Another thing that both Scout and Harper Lee had in common was they were both tom boy rule breakers. â€Å"As a child, Harper Lee was an unruly tomboy. She fought on the playground. She talked back to teachers. She was bored with school and resisted any sort of conformity†(The Big Read). Just the same Scout fought with Cecil and Francis. Both Harper Lee and Scout live in a town’s that are very representative of each other. The town of Maycomb is very much so based upon Lee’s home town of Monroeville. â€Å"The town of Maycomb is modeled after Lee's own home town. The schoolyard in the novel is the same one Lee played in as a child. And the Maycomb courtroom is the Monroeville courtroom down to the last detail. She patterned her characters' speech after the Southern dialect she grew up with. She also looked to the citizens of Monroeville when setting up her cast of characters. (Reading about race and membership in America). The childhood best friends Dill and Truman were the neighbors of Scout and Harper Lee. Harper Lee’s good friend and neighbor growing up was a boy named Truman Capote whom Lee based Dill, the best friend and neighbor of Scout. â€Å"Dill, for example, is patterned after one of her childhood friends, Truman Capote†(Reading about race and membership in America). Another c haracter Lee based off of her childhood was her father, creating Atticus Finch. The character Atticus Finch is a representation of Harper Lee’s father Amasa Coleman Lee. Both men were lawyers who represented black men, and lost their cases unfairly due to race. Harper Lee’s father represented two men accused of murder, he lost the case and both clients were killed. â€Å"He once defended two black men accused of murdering a white storekeeper. Both clients, a father and son, were hanged. †(The Big Read). Harper Lee based her novel around her life, there are many similarities found within her book that are directly related to her life. Upon the thoughts that an author should base his writings upon what he know, Harper Lee based her novel â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird†loosely around her childhood. Harper Lee created the character Scout with many features to resemble herself as a child. The town of Maycomb was created by Harper Lee as an almost exact replica of her hometown, Monroeville Alabama. Atticus Finch was created to resemble Harper Lee’s father Amasa Coleman Lee and the two have many similarities. Harper Lee only created this one book â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird†she never expected to get this much attention for her works.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Porsche in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Porsche in China - Essay Example Ing. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft and later altered its name to Porsche Automobile Holding in November 2007. Porsche vehicle investment has its headquarters in Germany, Stuttgart. Porsche investment was founded to operate as business umbrella of the Austrian Porsche apprehension. Furthermore, Porsche Austria was set up as Volkswagen importer, which destined that, with the advanced progress of the sales system, the competitiveness of the Volkswagen allocation organization enhanced significantly. At the same time, producers from the distant East additionally strengthened the location of the Volkswagen exhibition area in spite of the dramatically rising pressure. Once Porsche had selected the state or states to enter, it required to agree on the suitable mode of entrance. Every corporation making this progress faces a range of choices: It can attain an accessible player, build an association with an obtainable player or begin Greenfield actions, alone or in joint venture with another p layer. Wilkinson, (2009) affirms that Porsche entered China through an acquirement. This was a reasonable move for three reasons. First, China is an established market, an unattractive condition for Greenfield actions, as adding new-fangled stores will just strengthen an already high quantity of confined competition. Next, because there is considerable revenue and cultural similarities between Germany and Chinese markets, Porsche faced comparatively little call for new knowledge. Thus, inflowing through a strategic association was needless. Third, a feebly performing company, Subaru was available, and the company saw it better to take advantage of this fact. Moreover, Porsche's production model was what Subaru required to transform itself into a feasible and strong organization. Porsche Entry to China As the main heavily inhabited nation in the world, China is a chief potential market for retailers. Retail sales in China rise at a yearly rate of ten percent between 2007 and 2009, bo osted by economic liberalization and a whopping pent-up order for customer goods. The Chinese market also throws up unique challenges as regulations, management policies are regularly unpredictable, and China's infrastructure is not properly urbanized. In addition, middle-class throwaway income is severely lower in China than in Germany so that even discount-minded Porsche ought to reinvent its corporation model to operate within the access of key inhabitants groups. Finally, Porsche had to admit that most Chinese tend to purchase in hire form and that language differences needed tailored selling approaches for merchandise labeling and product names. Porsche’s development in China is perhaps the most motivating case of how Porsche has had to transform, and adapt its German methods in order to gratify its Chinese clients. Porsche entered this state in the year 2009, and did so confidently that it could gratify client demands. One of the customs it was sure it could conform cus tomer desires were through client service, something that Porsche prided itself on in Germany. Porsche became sure that overhaul was going to be a significant matter following an article published, before Porsche’s entry into the market. The report exposed that retailers in China were the slightest accommodating of all European states in terms of client service. China was already properly equipped with concession retailers like Subaru and Mercedes Benz thus; client service became one of the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Organisational Direction on Coca-Cola Company Essay
Organisational Direction on Coca-Cola Company - Essay Example The study analysed strategic position of the company and discussed several challenges facing Coca-Cola Company. A range of alternative strategic options which meets strategic aims and objectives are also discussed in this paper. Coca-Cola Company is one of the largest producers of non-alcoholic beverages company in the world. It specializes in manufacturing different varieties of soft drinks used all over the world. It started its operations in Georgia, United States of America in 1886 and has grown into a multinational corporation with more than 200 countries in which it operates in. Opening up and operation of this several branches has enabled it satisfy their customers and globalize its market. It is a public company owned by several shareholders and is rated as one of the best company in stock exchange market. The company is majorly designed to produce several concentrates, syrup and beverage bases from its main branch. The manufactured concentrates are then distributed all over the world to more than three hundred bottling partners. The bottling partners are responsible for producing a wide range of Coca-Cola products and distributing them to the final consumers. The main Coca-Cola Company therefore remains to enjoy the name of the brand and it is liable to any problem arising from use of its products. It remains to be the largest and leading manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverages up-to-date. ... The bottling partners are responsible for producing a wide range of Coca-Cola products and distributing them to the final consumers. The main Coca-Cola Company therefore remains to enjoy the name of the brand and it is liable to any problem arising from use of its products. It remains to be the largest and leading manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverages up-to-date. Coca-Cola Company has managed to employ over thirty thousand people around the world and greatly involves itself in corporate social responsibilities. They now boast to be the world best soft drink providers since their drink brands have become the world favourite soft drink. Its potential competitors include: Pepsi Company having twenty one percent of the global market, Cadbury Schweppes Company with eight percent while coca cola itself dominates with forty seven percent of the world soft drink market. The rest of percentage is shared among other small soft drink companies which are not a major t hreat to the company. They include; Cott and AmBev in Latin America. The company has indicated that for it to remain a global soft drink provider it needs to stay local and satisfy tastes and preferences of its customers. 3.0 Strategic aims Every organization has aims that it intends to see through during its operation. Coca cola company has several aims for conducting its business and this includes; inspiring moments of optimism through their brands and their various planned actions, creating value for their customers in different parts of the world by offering quality standardized products, making a difference from all refreshment brands offered and corporate social responsibilities that they get
End of Life Care Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
End of Life Care - Research Paper Example The same nurses constantly supply allowable medical information to the end of life patients’ families and friends. The nurses’ healthcare training and years of actual medical experience equips the nurses with the capacity to contribute influential recommendations to the decision making process, especially in terms of terminating the end of life patients’ earthly abode. Consequently, the nurses must be allowed to contribute their share to end of life patients’ decision making activities (Els et al., 2008). In the business world, customers pay for the services of the company. The company uses the customers’ payments to pay for the expenses needed to continue the company’s daily business operations. The business operation expenses include the salaries of the line and staff employees, electricity expense, water expense, and telephone expense. The company uses the customers’ payments to purchase the latest business equipments and inventorie s. Without the customers, the company will be forced to close shop. Further, the same business principle applies to the healthcare facilities. Nurses must prioritize the end of life patients’ rights in the exercise of their duties as nurses (Westrick, 2008). Without the patients, the healthcare facilities will not receive cash inflows. ... The healthcare facilities’ expenses also include the usual electricity expense, water expense, and telephone expense. The healthcare facilities use the patients’ payments to acquire the latest healthcare equipments, tools and inventories. Without the cash payments from the healthcare patients, the healthcare facilities, including the hospitals and home for aged facilities, the healthcare facilities will have no other recourse except to file for bankruptcy proceedings. Likewise, Mary Cooke and Ciaran Hurley emphasized that the patients should be given a greater role in deciding whether to continue end of life medical intervention (Cooke, M., Ciaran, H., 2008). Healthcare service is a partnership between the service providers and the service providers’ patients. The financial factors contribute to the partnership between the healthcare parties. One of the factors is finance. The poor patients cannot afford retaining the healthcare services of the healthcare facilit ies. The healthcare facilities cannot continue serving the needs of the patients if they cannot pay for the services of the healthcare facilities. Further, the healthcare workers, including the nursing professionals, must bend to the preferences of the patients (Cooke, M., Ciaran, H., 2008). For example, the patients can choose to be roomed at the ward or cheapest bed area within the healthcare facilities. The patients may not be able to pay for the exclusive or higher costing rooms of the healthcare facilities. Medical professionals and the nurses must bend to the wishes of the patients to prescribe cheaper but similarly effective medicines. The doctors and nurses should implement the patients’ preferences to under cheaper medical procedures, when the patients’ finances prevent the patients
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Describe the events of the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis Essay
Describe the events of the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Do you think there was anything the U.S. could have done to handle these two events better - Essay Example The Bay of Pigs was an unsuccesful military invasion of Cuba by the paramilitary group sponsored by the CIA in April 1961. Two years before the invasion, Fidel Castro drove his guerrilla army into Havana and overthrew the president Fulgencio Batista (an American-backed President), paving the way for the communist rule in Cuba. For two years, the U.S. state department and the CIA attempted to overthrow the communist government, thus in 1961, the CIA launched a full-scale invasion of Cuba. However, the invaders were outnumbered by the Cuban forces and were defeated within less than 24 hours of fighting. The aftermath of the invasion at the Bay of pig led to a stronger tie between the Soviet Union and Cuba with the United States perceiving Cuba as a threat (Dunne, 448–458). The Cuban missile crisis was another scenario where the cold war exploded into actual combat war. The Cuban missile crisis was a thirteen-day confrontation between the Unites States and the Soviet Union over the latter’s ballistic missiles deployed in Cuba. The Cuban missiles were a response to the invasion of the Bay of Pigs. Additionally, the presence of American missiles in Italy and Turkey that was seen by the Soviet as a threat to their security prompting retaliation from USSR. The Russian missiles in Cuba were thus stationed as a means of protecting Cuba from future harassment by America. The Cuban missile crisis was resolved following a period of negotiation between President Kennedy and Khrushchev, with Soviet Union agreeing to remove the missiles from Cuba with a promise U.S will not invade Cuba without direct provocation (Schwarz, 73-81). Concerning the Bay of Pigs, the United States had little options other than to prepare a secret invasion team into Cuba in an attempt to overthrow the communist government. However, to make the invasion a success, the US government ought to have done a thorough assessment of the opponent before commencement of
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Pricing Strategies for FirstGroup PLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Pricing Strategies for FirstGroup PLC - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the FirstGroup Company operates a wide range of transport services such as bus, coach, rail & tram, as well as, the yellow school bus. The headquarters of the company are at Aberdeen Scotland, with the company’s Chief Executive Officer and chairperson being Tim O’Toole and Martin Gilbert respectively. These two provide the company with a great insight and appropriate leadership necessary to achieve its goals and objectives. The incorporation of the company was in 1986 and has had tremendous growth over the years to expand its operations even to international markets. Currently, it is among the leading transport services company in the world, specializing in road and rail transport. This is evident from the revenue brought in by the company over the years, such as in March 2013, the company recorded net revenue of  £ 6,901 million. On the other hand, the operating income of the company for the same financial period was  £ 335 million, whil e the net income for the company during the same period was  £ 172 million. This shows how profitable the company is in its operations. the company provides employment opportunities to numerous jobless people across the markets in which it operates, with its number of employees by the end of a trading period of March 2013 being 120,000. In addition, the company has an online platform that enables its customers to enjoy convenience and efficiency while dealing with it, as well as, provide the company an opportunity to increase its market control and holding within the industry by gaining a competitive advantage over other market players. The FirstGroup PLC undertakes a number of transport services across various markets and routes within the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Ireland and Denmark where it operates. In order to maximize its profits, the company has to adopt a pricing strategy that enables it to make a profit with every transaction. As such, it adopts a differ ent pricing strategy depending on the type of transport service it provides, such as by bus, train or tram, as well as, the route and distance in which it operates, considering the other factors if transportation such as traffic jams, calibre of passengers, as well as, the frequency of the routes they use.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Article Analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Analysis - Article Example The article in focus studies the prevalence of occupational stress among employees and the effects that such have on their productivity. To achieve these, the researchers study five public corporations where they analyze stress prevalence among employees and its management. Data gathering technique is an essential skill in any study. In the article, this is achieved through the use of questionnaires, interviews as well as observation. The subjects are easily defined; this is a factor that makes studying them a little easier. With the result tabulated, it becomes easy to calculate such important aspects of the findings as mean, the calculated median, and mode. The researchers employ the use of the statistical package for social science, commonly referred to as SPSS. The software improves efficiency besides enhancing data integrity (Henry& Joseph, 2008). The study offered statistically significant result. Out of the subjects under study, stressed employees were counted and recorded just as were those not stressed. The data thereafter separated every case under specific subheadings on the causes of the stress and tabulated the number of those who felt victims of every subheading. This makes calculations thereafter possible thereby authenticating the results obtained. Stress is a big problem in very many organizations globally. The research’s hypothesis states that occupational stress affects very many employees in organizations world over thereby affecting their turn over consequently negating productivity. This, it indicates, implies that such organizations incur loses eventually. With no hypothesis, a research makes no sense. It is the hypothesis that confines a study to particular parameters. However, in this research, the hypothesis is inferred since he does not make direct claim of these. He attributes his facts to these and proves that in deed organizational stress is equivalent to monetary
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Pleasantville Point of View Essay Example for Free
Pleasantville Point of View Essay In Pleasantville, the main two characters were David as Bud and Jennifer as Mary Sue. These two teens are from the 1990s and get taken back to the 1950s sitcom â€Å"Pleasantville†. When they are taken back into time, the two teens took back with them modern day ways and alter the universe in â€Å"Pleasantville†. David and Jennifer didn’t try to stir up things for the town intentionally. David wanted to keep things the same so they can go back home and keep things in â€Å"Pleasantville†pleasant. Jennifer wanted to go back home as but as long as he had to stay there. She wasn’t going to do right like her brother want her to. Jennifer felt differently. She felt like they were too boring for her and wanted to shake things up a little bit. She wanted to bring the 1990s into the 1950s and kind of stirred things up. As time was going by and things started to change day by day; some of the older folks didn’t want the change. They wanted things to stay the way they have always been. The dad played as George was your standard dad that went to work every day and came home and expected to have his wife waiting on him hand and feet with dinner cooked. The mother Betty was your typical mother that got the kids up, fixed breakfast, ironed, had dinner cooked, etc. When David alerted the fireman that there was afire but had to say cat. That was when things started to change. The other teenagers wanted to know how he knew about the fire. They wanted to know what was outside of â€Å"Pleasantville†and for once the books had words and they wanted to know more. They were intrigued to learn new things and wanted to know more. They weren’t afraid to venture out amp; absorb new things and experience life. David was a kid that was shy and afraid. He never went for the things he wanted in life. Back at his school in the 1990s he was afraid to ask out this girl he had a crush on. He stood from afar and watched while another guy was talking to his crush and asked her out instead of him asking. He never built up enough courage to talk to her or anyone else. At school he felt very out of place. He was an outsider. When he was in â€Å"Pleasantville†, he felt at home. He knew the storyline and he knew everything was going to be the same way every day and never change. As the movie went on he tried to keep things just as they were but that was hard because his sister kind of stirred it up a little. As time was passing by, he began to wonder why his color never changed while others around him were changing. His time didn’t come so sudden because he still hasn’t figured out why he was taken back into time. He still hasn’t overcome he fear and lived life yet. The turning point was when he was showing compassion for his mother when she was afraid of being seen in color and when he took up for her when the young men were hounding her for being in color and posing nude just because she was different than they were. Once he took up for his mother in the sitcom. He overcame his fear and for once stood up for himself as well as someone else and didn’t back down. Jennifer was that typical 1990s girl that wanted to be kind of rough, hard, bad, and sleep with a guy to get them to want to be with her. That is what she knew because of how her generation was brought up. So when she gets to â€Å"Pleasantville†, she really wants to go back home and go back to her normal life to go on her date. She doesn’t want to listen to her brother and follow his instructions. She just wants to do her own thing. The town is too boring for her. There is no excitement. So when she finally decides to go out with Skip. She decides to be bad and go to lover’s lane and do more than hold hands. Her and Skip continue to do it for a while and she all of a sudden becomes bored with having sex. When Skip came to her window and wanted to have sex with her. She didn’t want to because she was studying. Now that was a shocker. For once in her life she’s more concerned about school work than a guy. She was so proud that she actually finishes reading a book for the first time in her life. That was her turning point in her life. She put her education first instead of trying to get a guy to like her. She set herself apart from the other females in the sitcom that became how they once were vice versa. The overall message is to believe in you and never lose hope. Don’t let anyone or yourself stop you from doing or becoming anything you want to do. David wasn’t shy or afraid anymore and Jennifer for once cared about herself and didn’t think about her old ways for once. With David learning compassion and bravery; he takes that back home when his mother is back early at home and is feeling down. He comforts his mother and I’m pretty sure he will take everything he has learned with him in his everyday life. Jennifer got her life together and wanted to stay a bit longer to continue to work on herself before she came home. She actually thought about college. Jennifer took control of life and didn’t let anyone influence her decision. Everyone just needs a push or a situation to go through to make their behavior change for the good. Like I once stated was that you should never lose hope and believe in yourself. Go for the gold in life and never back down from a challenge.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Pressure Sensor Controlled Valve Based Microcontroller In General Engineering Essay
Pressure Sensor Controlled Valve Based Microcontroller In General Engineering Essay A pressure sensor measures pressure, typically of gases or liquids. Pressure sensor can also be called as pressure transducers, pressure transmitters, pressure senders, pressure indicators and piezometers. Pressure sensors are used for control and monitoring in thousands of everyday applications. Pressure Sensor Controlled Valve based Microcontroller in General A pressure sensor controlled valve based microcontroller is a pressure sensing device that is capable of controlling a desired pressure up to the set point set by the user. Besides, the pressure sensing device also allows the user to monitor and control the entire process of the system by interfacing a Microcontroller with a PC Using RS232 and the PC Serial Port. Pressure sensor and valve are required to design pressure sensing device according to their task Nowadays pressure sensors can vary in design, performance, application suitability and cost. On the other hand, pressure sensors can be classified in term of pressure ranges they measure, temperature ranges of operation, and most importantly the type of pressure they measure. Valves are used to control conditions such as flow, pressure, temperature, and liquid level. The opening or closing of the valve is depend on the signals received from the controllers that compare a set point to a process variable where the value is obtain from the sensor that monitor the change of conditions. Besides, the opening and closing of the control valve is done by electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic system. A valve also can vary in design, pressure range and temperature range of the operation, application suitability and cost. Project Objective The main objective of this project is to design and construct a prototype of pressure sensor controlled valve based microcontroller. This prototype should have the following fundamental features: Able to control the pressure through the setpoint set by the user. Able to activate the alarm if the pressure is above a setpoint. Able to shutdown the whole process if the pressure is in critical pressure. Able to monitor the process of the control through PC. Upon successful implementation of these fundamental features, enhancements are added to improve the safety of this pressure sensor controlled valve based microcontroller. The first improvement is adding manual control function to make this control valve able to control by the user even the pressure sensor is fail to give a signal to the microcontroller. Besides, a backup battery is also added into the controller to provide power when there is absence of main power supply. The backup battery will power the circuit only in the event of failure. On the other hand, a temperature sensor will also be added into this pressure sensor controlled valve based microcontroller to maintain the optimum temperature of the gas. Project Overview The pressure sensor controlled valve based microcontroller is designed to control pressure either in gas or liquid medium in any suitable application. The pressure sensor will senses the pressure from the along the tube or pipe along the application. The bottom of the pressure sensor is connected with a T-Joint connector to the tube or pipe and the analog control signal from the pressure sensor will be connected to the analog port of microcontroller. The analog signal received by microcontroller will be analyzed by the microcontroller. The microcontroller will then control the control valve by with the signal received by the sensor. Besides, a temperature sensor (LM35) will also be added into the prototype to enhance the performance of the prototype. The temperature sensor will be mounted at the surface of the tube or pipe. The temperature sensor will sense the temperature of gas or liquids inside the tube or pipe and send a control signal to microcontroller. The analog control signal from the temperature sensor will be connected to the analog port of microcontroller. The microcontroller then will control the control valve according to the temperature received by sensor. Recently, serial port of computer slowly phase out from the market and to be replaced with USB. Nowadays, most developer will favor USB to serial converter to obtain virtual serial port. So, in order to for general and convenient use, a USB to UART converter (UC00A) which offers USB plug and play, direct interface with microcontroller will also be added to the prototype to create a monitoring system through PC. The Transmit Signal (TX) from UC00A will be connect to the microcontroller receiver pin (RX/RC7) . While the Receive Signal (RX) from UC00A will be connect to the microcontroller transmitter pin (TX/RC6) . Then, a GUI( Global User Interface) will be develop using Microsoft Visual Basic for user to monitor the process operation of the prototype. On the other hand, a backup battery of 24Vdc will also be connected parallel with the main power supply. This is to provide the prototype with a backup power supply when there is no power provided from main power supply .This is to prevent and protect the prototype from trip of circuit and critical shut down of the prototype that might cause damage to the hardware of the prototype. Besides, a LCD display (216 characters) is used to display the pressure and temperature measured from the sensors and indicates the condition or status of the control valve and the air compressor which useful for calibration, monitoring, debugging and testing. A buzzer is embedded in the prototype is used as an alarm when the pressure or temperature is above the setpoint set by the user. Project Scope and Methodology This project consisted both of the hardware and software implementation. According to the schedule, construction of the final prototype was ensured to achieve the projects objective. At the same time, software also designed to meet all the fundamental requirements. When the prototype that met the primary objectives was successfully constructed, the remaining projects duration was spent on enhancements of the prototype to make it more durable and reliable. In part one, projects objectives identification and planning had been done. After that, research on some the theoretical background of the project such as types of pressure sensor, temperature sensor, type and size of fittings and tube, types of control valve and the basic electric component for the controller that needed for this project. Electronic components were carefully selected to construct the prototype based of its functionality, reliability and cost. When hardware selection was finalized and decided, a layout for printed circuit board (PCB) was designed and fabricated. After that, a simple program was written to test, calibrate and debug the prototype to make it worked as described in the primary objective. In part two, further enhancements to the prototype were planned and implemented. The mechanical drawing of the prototype had been designed. The mechanical part of the hardware such as pressure sensor, tubing, fitting, control valve is joint up together and the wiring is connected to the into the main board(Controller) of the prototype. Besides, monitoring system of the operation is also embedded to the prototype to ease the user to monitor the operation using a PC in a control room. After all features, were completed, testing was undertaking to ensure the reliability of the whole system. Troubleshooting and debugging phase on software and hardware were necessary to make all the system become more reliable and safe. Structure of the Report This report is divided into six chapters. At the Chapter 1, Introduction to the project which includes Pressure Sensor Controlled Valve Based Microcontroller in general, Project objective, Project overview, Project scope and Methodology had been discussed. In Chapter 2, some theoretical background for this project will be explained and described in details. While in Chapter 3, how hardware designed of this project as well as their functions will be elaborated. Besides, Methodology used for design the hardware also will be discussed in this chapter. Chapter 4 described the Methodology for the software development of this project. Flow chart for the program will be showed and explained. Besides, equipment and tools used to design complete software also will be discussed in this chapter. In Chapter 5, results and discussion will be shown to explain how the pressure sensor control valves based microcontroller performs its operation. On the other hands, the problems encountered while designing the prototype either in hardware or software and how these problems solved will be also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 6 will be the summary and conclusion of the report whether all the fundamental requirements and objectives achieved for Final Year Project. Then, there will be a short recommendation or suggestion to further improve this project so that it can be used in various types of industry environment. Chapter 2: Theoretical Background 2.1 Introduction to Pressure Sensor A pressure sensor is one that will measure the pressure either gasses or liquids. Pressure is an expression of the force required to stop a fluid or gas from expanding, and it can be express as the equation below. [1] P=F/A Where: P is the pressure, F is the normal force, A is the area. Pressure Units can be expressed as the table below: Table 1: Pressure Unit 2.1.1 Types of Pressure Measurement Basically, pressures sensor can be classified in term of pressure ranges, temperature ranges and most importantly the pressure type. Pressure sensor can be classified in 5 types of pressure measurement which are : Absolute pressure sensor -Whereby the sensor measure the pressure relative to perfect vacuum pressure (0 Psi or no pressure) 2) Gauge pressure sensor -Whereby the sensor measure the pressure relative to given atmospheric pressure. For example when a tire pressure gauge read 0 Psi meaning to say there is 14.7 Psi (atmospheric pressure) in the tire. 3) Vacuum pressure sensor -The sensor is used to measure pressure less than the atmospheric pressure. 4) Differential pressure sensor -The sensor measures the difference between two or more pressures introduced as inputs to the sensing unit. 5) Sealed pressure sensor Whereby the sensor is used to measure the pressure relative to sea level pressure. 2.1.2 Types of Control Signal from Pressure sensor There are two types of Control signal from pressures sensor which are current output and voltage output signal. Current output normally ranged from 4-20ma while the voltage output normally ranged from 1-5Vdc or 1-6Vdc (The voltage output range mostly is depend by the manufacturer or the type of application). The current output and voltage output always start from 4ma and 1Vdc is to check whether the wiring of the pressure sensor is done correctly and to check whether there is faulty at the pressure sensor. For example, if the pressure sensor output a current below 4ma or 1Vdc, we have to check at the pressure sensor because they might be faulty at the pressure sensor. The current output control signal is widely used in many kind of industry compared to voltage output control signal. This is because there is no voltage drop when current output control signal travel a very long distance compare to voltage output control signal. When travelling at a very long distance, voltage output control signal will have disadvantage due to the resistance of the long wire will cause a voltage drop and might give an inaccurate result to the controller. So, the current output control signal tends to give a more accurate result compare to voltage output control signal. Due to limitation at PIC microcontroller which only has Analog-to-Digital Converter, so a voltage output control signal will be more suitable for the project. Types of Application of Pressure sensor A pressure sensor can be widely used in many types of application.For example: [2] 1) Pressure Sensing -The pressure is measure directly using pressure sensors. This is very useful in oil and gas industry, cars, aircraft, and other machinery that has a pressure functionality implemented. 2) Leak Testing -A pressure sensor can be used to sense the decay of pressure due to a system leak. This is done by either comparison to a known leak using differential pressure, or by means of utilizing the pressure sensor to measure pressure change over time. 3) Level Sensing A pressure sensor can also be used to calculate the level of a fluid. This technique is commonly employed to measure the level of contents in a tank (such as in a water tower). For most practical purposes, fluid level is directly proportional to pressure. In the case of fresh water where the contents are under atmospheric pressure, 1psi = 27.7 inH20 / 1Pa = 9.81 mmH20. The basic equation for such a measurement is P = p * g * h Where P = Pressure, p = Density of the Fluid, g = Standard Gravity, h = Height of fluid column above pressure sensor Introduction to Valve A valve is device that is used to regulate the flow of a fluid or gasses by opening and closing or partially obstructing various passageways. A valve can be operating either in manual operation or automatic operation driven by change in pressure, temperature or flow. For manual operation, the opening and closing of the valve is control by using hand wheel, lever or pedal using human force. Meanwhile for the automatic operation, the opening and closing of the valve is control using an actuator .An actuator will stroke the valve depending on its input and set-up, allowing the valve to be positioned accurately, and allowing control over a variety of requirements. Nowadays, Actuators are widely used for the purposes of automatic control such as in washing machine cycles, remote control such as the use of a centralised control room, or because manual control is too difficult such as when the valve is very large. [3] 2.2.1 Types of Actuator in the Valve Valve can be classified on how they are actuated. Among them are: [3] Hydraulic Pneumatic Manual Solenoid Motor For a hydraulic system actuator valve is normally used to control a high pressure while Pneumatic system actuator valve is normally used to control a medium pressure in application. Meanwhile low pressure, solenoid or motorized system actuator valve can be used. 2.2.2 Application of Valve Valve can vary widely in form and application. The size of the valve is typically range from 0.1mm to 60cm. Some special valve can have a diameter exceeding 5 metres. The cost for a valve is depending on types of the design, material build, range of temperature and pressure and manufacturer. When a designer, engineer, or user decides to use a valve for an application, he/she should ensure the rated maximum temperature and pressure are never exceeded and that the wetted materials are compatible with the fluid the valve interior is exposed to. [3] The industries in which the majority of valves are used are oil and gas, power generation, water reticulation, sewerage and chemical manufacturing. [3] 2.3 Introduction to Tubing Tubing is pipe or a hollow cylinder for the transmission of fluid (liquid or gas). The term of pipe and tubing can be interchangeable although there are minor distinctions exist- basically, tubing imply tighter engineering requirements than pipe. Both pipe and tubing can be varies in different rigidity and permanence. For examples, a hose is normally portable and flexible. Besides, tubing and pipe can be specified by standard pipe size designation. Types of tubing are specified by the actual inside diameter, outside diameter and the wall thickness. [4] 2.3.1 Types of Tubing Basically, there are few types of tubing can be used in industry. Among them are: Copper Tubing Stainless Steel or Aluminium Tubing Plastic Tubing For copper tubing, there are two basic types of copper tubing, soft copper and rigid copper. Copper tubing can be joined using flare connection, compression connection, or sweat (solder). Soft copper tubing can be bent easily to travel around obstacles in the path of the tubing while a rigid copper cannot be bent and must use elbow fittings to go around corners or around obstacles. Soft copper is the most popular choice for refrigerant lines in split-system air conditioners and heat pumps while rigid copper is most popular choice for water line. [5] For Aluminium Tubing, it is sometimes used in industry because it is resistance to corrosion and solvents, and for its ductility. Besides, aluminium cannot create sparks when there is a transmission of flammable solvent and the weight for aluminium is lighter compare to steel and iron which make it suitable to use in many types of industry. [5] Aluminium tubing can be joined using flare connection, compression connection, or sweat (solder). Aluminium tubing can be used for heat transfer tubing such as in refrigerant systems. [6] For Plastic Tubing, there are few types of plastic tubing which are PVC(polyvinyl chloride) and CPVC, Polyethylene, Rigid Polypropylene, ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) and Nylon tubing. The most popular for plastic tubing is PVC. It is rigid, and uses thread or glue connections. Besides, it is available in several of pressure range. [5] Plastic tubing is widely used for its light weight, chemical resistance, non-corrosive properties, and ease of making connections. [6] 2.3.2 Types of Tube Fittings There are many types of connection methods for tubing application in industry. The four most common types of tube fttings connections are: Compression Tube Fittings Flare Fittings Bite-Type Tube Fittings Mechanical Grip-Type Tube Fittings The Compression Tube Fitting was the first tube fitting to be introduced, which consist of three components: nut, body and gasket ring or ferrule. The disadvantages of compression tube fittings was it can withstand only minimal pressure and the remake is very difficult due to the contrustion of the sealing ring. [7] CompressionTube Fitting The Flare Fitting was the another variation in tube fittings designs. The fittings is made up from a nut, sleeve and body with a flare or coned end. During installation of a tubing, a special flaring tools are usually required .The disadvantages of flare fittings is that flaring of the tubing may cause stress riser at the base of the flare or cause the axial cracks on thin tubing. [7] Flare Fitting For Bite-Type Tube Fitting , it is used to accommodate higher pressure application over the compression tube fitting design. The fittings is typically made up with a nut, body and ferrule(s) having a sharp leading edge, which give bites into the skin of the tubing to achieve griping and holding ability. There are two types of design for bite-type tube fittings which are the single ferrule and twin ferrule design. In single ferrule bite, the nose of the ferrule performs two functions. The first function is to bite into the tube to hold it and second function is to provide a sealing element for the coupling body.In twin ferrule bite, the back ferrule is used to bite and provide gripping into tube and the front ferrule is used for sealing element for the coupling body. [7] Single-Ferrule Bite-Type Two-Ferrule Bite Type Meanwhile for Mechanical Grip-Type Tube Fittings are typically two-ferrule in design. The front ferrule is used to seals by coining the surface of the tubing and coupling body. While the back ferrule is used holding action. The back ferrule grip the tube for a distance just out-board from tube holding point of the ferrule nose to enhance vibration resistance. The main advantanges of this design compare to the bite-type fittings is that break and remake of the fitting after installation can be more successfully accomplished without damage to either the fitting components or the tubing. [7] Mechanical- Grip Type 2.4 Introduction to Pipe Thread Basically ,there are two types of standard for pipe thread which are : British Standard Pipe- BSP American National Pipe-NPT/NPS Both of British Standard pipe and American National Pipe is designated by trade size rather than actual diameter. Under BSP, there are two basic types of BSP threads which are the BSPT (British Standard Pipe Taper) which is also know as R threads and BSPP (British Standard Pipe Parallel) which is also known as G threads. Both of the BSPT and BSPP have the same thread angle, shapre and pitch ( threads per inch). The only difference for BSPT and BSPP is BSPT threads are tapered and BSPP threads are straight ( parallel). BSP thread have a 55o include angle and have rounded peaks and valleys. On the other hands, for NPT, there are also two basic types of national pipe threads which are NPT ( National Pipe Taper) abd NPS ( National Pipe Straight) . Both NPT and NPS have the same thread angle, shape, and pitch (threads per inch). However, NPT threads are tapered and NPS threads are straight (parallel). Both threads have a 60 ° included angle and have flat peaks and valley 2.4.1 NPT vs BSP Pipe NPT thread are widely used in United State but, BSP thread are more widely used in many other countries.The actual specified outside diameters of American National Pipe is slightly different from British Standard Pipe,.NPT/NPS and BSP thread are not compatible with each another. This is due to the differences in their thread forms and pitch . NPT/NPS threads have a 60 ° included angle and have flattened peaks and valleys while a BSP threads have a 55 ° included angle and have rounded peaks and valleys As conclusion, never ever try to mate a BSP fittings with an NPT or NPS fittings if the pressure holding capability is at all critical. CHAPTER 3 HARDWARE AND SETUP DESIGN In this chapter, the hardware components used to setup the hardware would be elaborated and discussed. Each components features and its operation were studied before proceed to the hardware design. These components were tested on breadboard individually with simple program. The main purpose of this is wanted to determine components and algorithms used are work and function properly. Based on these algorithms, a complete program could be designed to make all the components work in the correct manners. The details about software methodology will be explained at next chapter. After all the hardware components passed the testing, a proper design of Printed Circuit Layout (PCB) was needed. A good and neat design of the PCB would ensure all the components work stability and properly to achieve the project primary objectives. During this stage, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) theory had studied to prevent undesired manners such as noise or crosstalk occurred in the PCB board. Besides , the design drawing of hardware prototype is also had been studied before assembling the hardware prototype. At the last stage, the tubing, fittings, valve, pressures sensor and pressure gauge is assemble carefully in order to prevent gasses leakage from prototype. 3.1 Microcontroller Unit (MCU) A microcontroller is a computer system that runs on a single integrated circuit. It usually consists of Central Processing Unit (CPU), memory unit and Input/Output (I/O) modules. Apart from these, a MCU also contains timers, counters and interrupt scheduling circuitry. Microcontrollers are widely applied in the robotics and embedded system controllers. Different microcontroller models may offer extra peripherals and registers for some applications (eg. UART, SPI, I2C and etc.). They usually run in a fixed oscillating frequency. There are advanced microcontrollers which are 32-bits microcontroller developed nowadays. But, 8-bit microcontrollers are usually sufficient to design a small embedded controller. In this project, Microchip microcontroller had been chosen due to its extra features. For instance, PIC had built-in ADC module to ease the analog to digital signal converting and Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) module to communicate with PC. 3.2 Microchip PIC Microcontroller PIC stand for Peripheral Interface Controller. Until now, Microchip had developed and manufactured multiple families of PIC microcontroller in different packages. They are several families in a certain category such as PIC10, PIC12, PIC16, and PIC18 in 8-bit PIC microcontrollers, PIC24F, PIC24H, dsPIC30 and dsPIC33 in 16-bit PIC microcontrollers and PIC32 in 32-bit PIC microcontroller. The PIC microcontroller that is used in this project is PIC16F877A. One of the reason this PIC microcontroller was choosen because it is in 40-pin DIP package. It was also chosen because it is powerful and yet easy to program CMOS FLASH with only 25 single word instructions based 8-bit microcontroller. With the 20MHz operating frequency, the PIC only need only 200 nanoseconds to execute and instruction.
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