Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Essay about Baldwins Writing Style in Notes to a Native Son
Father and Son: Bad to Regrettable James Baldwin is known to be one of the best essay writers in the twentieth century who wrote on a few topics including race, discrimination, sexuality and most of all his personal experiences. In â€Å"Notes of a Native Son†, he uses two main strategies to get his point across. First, he likes to tell a story in a narrative view. Following is normally his analysis of the event. He describes the event and then gives his theory on the matter. By doing this, he grants the reader a chance to decipher the meaning. His interpretation may not be what the reader’s is. He likes to argue and provides the basis for his argument in â€Å"Notes of a Native Son†. Throughout the essay he talks about himself and his father,†¦show more content†¦There are stories he incorporates to illustrate the point. In the middle we move to a more self-centered narrative. He tells of his story in New Jersey where he realized he could kill someone. He shares some of his thoughts of why people acted as they did towards him and others. This is an effective way he uses narrating and analyzing to work for the reader’s understanding. The essay goes into great detail of his relationship with his father. He describes his father as cruel (65), bitter (65), and beautiful (64). He does mention the bad in length. On the flip side, he tells us some of the good as well. Throughout his storytelling, the reader gets a glimpse into his life and the way he feels. His feelings evolve during the extent of the essay. In the stories he tells, the word hate appears quite frequently. It is sometimes used about his father. â€Å"I saw nothing very clearly but I did see this: that my life, my real life, was in danger, and not from anything other people might do but from the hatred I carried in my own heart.†(72) This hatred he talks about exists towards his father. Other factors contribute too, but are not as often told. The death had aroused feelings inside Baldwin that he felt he needed to get out. His contempt of his father (63) lasts through most of the essay. Soon after this, we find out that Mr. Baldwin is sick and has beenShow MoreRelated Reviews of Notes of a Native Son Essay1238 Words  | 5 Pages Reviews of Notes of a Native Son Notes of a Native Son, a widely acclaimed and celebrated book by James Baldwin was subjected to many reviews upon its first publication. There were many opposing views between reviewers but almost all came to the conclusion that Baldwin’s use of words was extremely eloquent and intelligent. 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On the journey to his mothers house in Cleveland, Ohio, he recognized he was back in his native land when a white man in the trains diner car refused to eat at the same table with him, and a fountain clerk in St. Louis refused to serve him a soft drink. He dealt with these slights the way he would his entire life: He turned away quietly. ButRead MoreEudora Welty a Worn Path12166 Words  | 49 Pagespermission of the publisher. For complete copyright information on these eNotes please visit:−path/copyright Table of Contents 1. A Worn Path: Introduction 2. Eudora Welty Biography 3. Summary 4. Characters 5. Themes 6. Style 7. Historical Context 8. Critical Overview 9. Essays and Criticism 10. Compare and Contrast 11. Topics for Further Study 12. Media Adaptations 13. What Do I Read Next? 14. Bibliography and Further Reading 15. Copyright Introduction Eudora Weltys
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hamlet, By William Shakespeare - 900 Words
In this story Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, there was an excessive deal of questions surrounding Hamlet’s mental state. Claudius’s nephew hadn’t been the same since his father passed away. It’s been up for discussion as if he’s actually senseless surrounding the death, or the wedding between his mom and uncle. Gertrude and the King married approximately a month or two after the funeral. At this point it’s not actually established what the cause of his actions is. Was Hamlet at fault for Polonius’s death? If Hamlet is playing demented, has he seriously become absurd? I plan to discuss Hamlet’s mental state and answer a few of the questions above surrounding his mental health. This is a wonderful topic to discuss, this story had a weird ending, and I know it has a deeper meaning. I also recognize it is connected with people’s feelings. The type of feelings one has toward something and recognizes it doesn’t feel right. That gut feeling; intuition is the word I’m looking for. The queen’s son’s intuition played a major role in this, and it benefits that he’s clever. Gertrude’s son truly has a strategy to all of his actions. Which, in fact, lets us identify that he wasn’t illogical. Shakespeare is in fact, a genius for the conception of this story. This is true since these exist as forms of effects society are challenged with today, which is often misunderstood. Readers need to be aware of the level of carefully plotted events and consider the influence that it has onShow MoreRelatedHamlet, By William Shakespeare880 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare is praised as the pioneering English poet and playwright whose collection of theatrical works is regarded as the greatest artistic value throughout the history of English literature. Shakespeare delved into the spiritual and mental component of humanity and the consequences that arise from this human spirit when it is disputed. The most famous revenge tragedy play, Hamlet, is an excellent illustration of Shakespeare’s philosophical study of human nature. In Hamlet, the arguableRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare899 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare, author of Hamlet, was a well-known author in the 1500s and is still popular today. He was born on April 24, 1564 in London, England. Although there were no birth records at that time, it shows he was baptized one year prior to that, which leads us to believe his birthday was in 1564 because children were normally baptized a year after their birth. Shakespeare’s writing style was very different than others at that time. He used many metaphors and rhetorical phrases, and most ofRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare996 Words  | 4 PagesHamlet, written by William Shakespeare, with out a doubt holds the most famous soliloquy in English history spoken by Hamlet in Act III, scene i, lines 57-90. This soliloquy holds much importance to the play as a whole because it ties together the reoccurring themes of suicide and Hamlet’s inaction portrayed by Shakespeare. Hamlet poses a problem, which is the driving force of the play: â€Å"To be or not to be?†(III.i.57). Shakespeare uses this logical question asked by Hamlet to drive out his underlyingRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1178 Words  | 5 Pages In William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, the protagonist suffers from struggles with major characters, especially with the women in his life. While reading the play Hamlet, Hamlet appears to be a disillusioned man. Throughout the play, Shakespeare has only casted two females: Gertrude and Ophelia. Gertrude is defined to be incestuous, naà ¯ve and cold-hearted. On the other side, Ophelia is characterized to be ignorant, innocent and fearful. After the quick marriage of his mother and evil uncle, Hamlet’sRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1308 Words  | 6 PagesHamlet is arguably one of the greatest tragedies in all of literature and when most people think of tragic plays, they think of none other than the one who wrote it, William Shakespeare. This classic story of revenge excites it’s readers with its main character, Prince Hamlet, who goes through the unique human-like process of revenge that is often overlooked. Many other stories rely heavily on the logi c of good people doing good things and bad people doing bad things just for the sake of their natureRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare Essay1453 Words  | 6 PagesHamlet by William Shakespeare explores many aspects of mankind--death, betrayal, love, and mourning. Out of these, the most prominent theme in this play is death in the form of suicide. The main character, Hamlet, finds himself questioning the quality of life and the uncertainty of the afterlife once he discovers news of his father s death and the corruption in the kingdom that follows. Ophelia, Hamlet’s lover, is found dead later in the plot and is presumed to have committed suicide. In Hamlet’sRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1146 Words  | 5 PagesA character so complex, enticing and fascinating, his name is Hamlet. We are all Hamlet, and that, is the argument. Hamlet is an enigmatic character with many flaws. These flaws are the ones that prove similarities between us and him. A play so popular and significant is due to its huge relevance to us as a society. In the play Hamlet, William Shakespeare uses Hamlet’s character and metaphor to demonstrate that when one is left alone to their thoughts, these thoughts overtake reason. ConsequentlyRead MoreHamlet by William Shakespeare1456 Words  | 6 PagesThe play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, takes place in a time where the impossible was a part of the lives of everyday people. Occurrences that people in the modern time would believe unbelievable. Yet, with just a quill and parchment Shakespeare’s is able to connect the past and present by weaving a plot with skill that is still unparalleled to this day. The play Hamlet this exceeds this expectation by revealing depth of Hamlets, the protagonists, character personality through the useRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1920 Words  | 8 PagesIn the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the character Hamlet must deal with both external and internal conflict. Hamlet encounters many struggles and has trouble finding a way to deal with them. With so many corrupt people in his life, Hamlet feels as if there is no one that he can trust and begins to isolate himself from others. A result from this isolation leads Hamlet to become melancholy. Hamlet struggles with suicidal thoughts, wants to kill King Claudius, and is distraught over his mother’sRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare846 Words  | 4 Pagesalways been a contemplative topic. In Hamlet, the main character Hamlet thinks to himself about suicide. Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet between 1599 and 1602. William Shakespeare is one of the greatest playwrights in history. Hamlet is about Prince Hamlet of Denmark who is trying to find out about the death of his father after his father s ‘ghost’ comes to him telling him it was his uncle who had killed him. While Hamlet contemplates suicide he gives his famous
Microsoft Has Been Completely Reborn Under -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Microsoft Has Been Completely Reborn Under? Answer: Introducation In 2014, after Satya Nadella took over as the CEO of Microsoft, the company went through a much-needed restructuring process. Microsoft cut down 18,000 employees. Most of these employees were from Nokia which was the phone business acquired by Microsoft in 2014. Additionally, 5000 employees were laid off from Microsoft as part of the same restructuring. Reason for this reorganization was Satya Nadellas idea of a leaner and agile organization which can anticipate and innovate quickly with faster decision making (Etherington, 2014). Case of du Telecom In 2013, UAEs Du Telecom signed a MoU with Chinas Huawei Technologies. In a three year agreement, Huawei had agreed to help Du Telecom in developing an advanced mobile and broadband network. The rationale behind signing this MoU was to expand Du Telecoms networks to include technologies like LTE-Advanced, 4.5G and 5G capabilities in order to tap the exponential growth seen in consumer data usage (Toms, 2015). The major External pressures which lead these organizations to change are market decline and extensive competition. Before Nadella took over as CEO, Microsofts products were facing poor reception in the market. Microsoft was also facing competition from Apple and Google. As in the case of Du Telecom in order to tap the growing demand, they had to collaborate with an organization that has experience. The Internal pressure faced by Microsoft and Du Telecom is the pressure to grow their market share and form a collaboration with Nokia and Huawei Technologies respectively. Microsoft was like a puddle Before Satya Nadella took over as CEO, Microsoft had started to lose its control over the market. Windows 8 had not performed very well and the company was struggling to make its way into the smartphone revolution. Zune, which was launched to compete against iPod, had been a product failure and to add insult to injury, the customers were losing faith in the company (Palmer, 2017). The industry was shifting from Microsofts windows to Apples iPhone and Googles android resulting in a market share of less than 4%. Even the stock prices had stalled despite increased revenue and profits (McCracken, 2017). Initially, Microsoft talked about having its operating system Windows on every PC but by 2014 the scenario had changed completely. Mobile phones had made PCs obsolete. Microsoft needed a turnaround strategy in order to compete with Apple and Google whose innovations were quickly expanding their market share. Planning and preparing the change Problems with Choice of agent: In an organization, which was undergoing technological change, a manager who was considered an expert was selected to be the change agent. But this decision was proved to be wrong as this manager had no influence over its team. He was unable to communicate the top managements vision of change to the employees. Due to lack of influence, he was not able to stay abreast with the concerns people had with the change process. A person with subject expertise is not necessarily the right person for implementing change. Quality of change relationship: In the same organization a new technological advancement required a certain kind of training. When the employees got this news through grapevine, they resisted the change as they feared to lose their job despite the fact that the management had no such intentions. Due to poor communication with that group that is targeted for change implementation, the organization can face employee resistance at the beginning of change process (Heathfield, 2017). If the employees are resistant to change, it can adversely affect the quality of change relationship. Identification of the group to be targeted for change: Sometimes the target of change implementation might be wrong. For the two organizations which merged recently the focus of the cultural training included the middle and lower level management. However, problems started cropping up when the key people in the organization found it difficult to stay together and work. Specification of the change issues: While defining the organizational change issues managers might completely ignore the main issue and focus on other minor issues while developing an implementation plan. For example, an IT company dedicated its efforts in developing advanced versions of their existing products in order to compete in the market while completely ignoring the fact that the market has shifted to new innovations making their products obsolete. People and Culture While implementing change it is expected that change agent might face resistance from employees it can be both active and passive. When employees stop complying with new organizational norms, they continue to attend the meetings and might appear to agree with the change but do not do anything to fulfill the commitment. The active form of resistance can be seen in the form of sharing their discontent on public platforms and involving in unionism and politics in order to obstruct change process. Proper communication plays an important role in the successful implementation of change. Opportunity to offer feedback should reach every level of the organization till the lowest level. Communication is also important to help employees identify the benefits that the change will bring for them. Listening is also important to create a trusting and employee oriented organization (Heathfield, 2018). Another way to lessen the resistance is to link the collaborative behavior of employees with job pe rformance (Hayashi, 2017). Implementing Change Technological, political and economic policies, change in governance etc. are some of the external variables. Change in leadership and culture are some internal variables. If not taken into account, these variables can result in failure of change implementation. When Apple came up with iPhone Microsoft first denied that success of such a product is a possibility, but currently, the success of iPhone is a well-known fact. Under Steve Ballmer, Microsoft kept innovating products like Windows Vista and search engine Bing but was very late in including technological advancements in its change strategy (Thompson, 2013). So in the case of Microsoft, Technology was the situational variable that they did not take into account and failed in product innovation. It was only after Satya Nadella took over as the CEO, Microsoft was able to meet the pace with innovations happening in IT industry. Sustaining the change Change is the only thing that is constant. In order to survive the fast moving business environment, businesses should embrace change. Technology and innovations are the most important drivers of organizational change. Adapting to this change is important as it increases productivity and saves time (Richards, 2018). For an evidence-based practitioner, it is important to note that as a change agent, their role as an influencer, communicator and a progressive thinker will play a key role in the success of change management. A future change agent should not only prepare himself/herself with the subject expertise but build leadership skills as well to successfully lead the change implementation by motivating and communicating employees so that everyone in the organization shares the same goals and vision. For managing organizational change successfully, a change agent should cautiously address the fear of change in the minds of employees. Stress caused is directly proportional to the lev el of change experienced. In order to address this fear, change agents should ensure that the employees are heard and the management is communicating the expectations continuously and correctly. Secondly, it should also be ensured that the teams receive training for the skills required for them to stay updated. References BORT, J., 2015. How Satya Nadella has changed Microsoft in just one year. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 January 2018]. Etherington, D., 2014. Microsoft CEO Gears The Company For Change, And A Renewed Focus On Productivity And Platforms. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 January 2018]. Hayashi, S.K., 2017. Strategies For Managing Employees Who Resist Change. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2018]. Heathfield, S.M., 2017. Communication in Change Management. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2018]. Heathfield, S.M., 2018. How to Reduce Employee Resistance to Change. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2018]. McCracken, H., 2017. Satya Nadella Rewrites Microsofts Code. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. Palmer, A., 2017. Microsoft Has Been Completely Reborn Under CEO Satya Nadella. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. Richards, L., 2018. Why Is Change Important in an Organization? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2018]. Sahota, D., 2013. Du signs project management agreement with Huawei. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 January 2018]. Thompson, N., 2013. Why Steve Ballmer Failed. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2018]. Toms, J.P., 2015. Du and Huawei work on advanced mobile networks for the UAE. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 January 2018].
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