Sunday, August 23, 2020
Social Attitudes towards Transport
Traffic police have a chosen measure of land to cover all through the area. Their job is to Provide a crisis reaction, Reduce street crash losses, Minimize disturbance to the free progression of traffic, give any conceivable help and consolation to street clients, Provide authority bolster administrations to the power and Ensure that the division makes the most productive utilization of every one of its assets. In all the traffic vehicles the watch vehicles have been fitted with uncommonly planned suspension and brakes to adapt to the additional heap and the shifted and requesting conditions they are presented to. Bike officials additionally have a master job in the policing of significant open occasions, for example, football matches, furthermore, giving a police escort to VIPs. They co-ordinate roadwork's, speeding grumblings and screen neighborhood crash patterns. Quick Response Ambulance Quick reaction rescue vehicle is determined to go to crisis occurrences, preferably inside eight minutes of notice. The Trophy Yellow bequest vehicles, with green intelligent Battenburg uniform, episode hardware carried on the vehicles incorporates; oxygen treatment, cardiovascular defibrillators, entonox, maternity and pediatric pack, consumes sack, cervical collars, supports and medical aid pack. Plans for significant occurrences, site maps, body sacks, triage cards and contacts for offices and emergency clinics are additionally conveyed. Extra unique things incorporate the light rooftop bar, radio interchanges and a converse decal ‘Ambulance' uniform on the cap and ‘RESPONDER' on its rear end. These vehicles aren't positioned at the medical clinic; they are situated in regions near the area visitors making their reaction time much faster. Their job is to go to crises, be first on the scene and help harmed individuals. The two administrations are required to go to occurrences inside a brief timeframe. To have the option to make these cutoff times, they are both approved to utilize their alarms and lights to make other street clients mindful that they are reacting to a crisis. As a rule both fast reactions are connected together. On the off chance that theirs a RTA the fast reaction would be first on scene that would then get the rescue vehicle administration got out on the off chance that anybody is harmed. The quick reaction emergency vehicle may accept that call if it's inside their region, which would join in and trust that rescue vehicle will go to from the clinic to take losses to medical clinic. Crooks target vehicles, New vehicles are naturally fitted with a gadget appended immobilizer, tracker or caution. The thoughts of these security gadgets are laid out underneath. Immobilizing framework, which is consequently initiated when the start key is expelled. The manner in which it works is the gadget transmits a radio-recurrence signal each time the motor is turned over, sending an alternate secret key to the framework. Guaranteeing the vehicle can't be begun some other route without the key. Electronic motor immobilizers keep your vehicle from beginning and are the most ideal approach to stop hoodlums. Vehicle alerts can discourage cheats from taking your vehicle, yet in addition taking things from it. More seasoned vehicles are lawbreakers practical objectives because of the absence of security assurance fitted to them. Controlling wheel locks are a less expensive option in contrast to motor immobilizers use them each time you leave your vehicle. Locking wheel nuts simple to fit and prevent criminals from taking your wheels. Have your vehicle enrollment number or the last seven digits of your Vehicle Identification Number carved onto all windows, the two windscreens and your headlamps. Imprint all your vehicle gear, similar to your vehicle sound system, with your vehicle enlistment number. Having any of these safety efforts lessens the engaging quality of the vehicle to burglaries. Investigation of driver's mentality while going on the streets. Because of nobody having a similar trademark everybody is unique, with their own style of driving method. In light of this individuals will in general act contrastingly on the streets. Street rage is the greatest type of driver's mentality on the streets and they aren't really the individual in the driver's seat either. Individuals speeding, acting reckless and general conduct of others on the streets can cause street rage. More seasoned residents push the fault onto more youthful residents for the way that they drive, more youthful residents switch the fault. There are agents who because of street rage drive all the more hazardously and quicker accusing traffic and cutoff times as their reason. Guardians who need to get kids, yet cant park close to schools because of substantial clog around the school. There are individuals who drive for living truck drivers, van drivers and open vehicle drivers who are reliably on the streets, that movement through all the pinnacle times. There are the busy time frames during the day that make everybody less passable to standing by tranquilly. Speeding is generally affected by others speeding, thinking in the event that they can break the cutoff, at that point so can they, which causes numerous different issues on the streets. Subsequent to inquiring about speeding I found that in Northampton there was a work search for individuals who had broken as far as possible, where individuals can investigation there own conduct on the streets. After the workshop results indicated that: 92 percent of respondents who had been on a Speed Workshop said that they were presently bound to keep to as far as possible. Of the individuals who had gotten a speeding ticket, however hadn't been on a Speed Workshop, 53 percent of respondents said that it was not adequate to surpass as far as possible. After the Workshop, this expanded to 78 percent. Savor driving England is unsuitable particularly around the Christmas time frame where more than the normal beverage. The UK lawful breaking point for drivers is 80 mg of liquor for each 100 ml of blood however there is no safeguard manual for the measure of liquor that a driver can securely devour. The sum and sort of mixed beverage, the weight, sex and digestion of the driver all have an impact. Yet, any measure of liquor influences driving capacity. A driver's capacity to pass judgment on speed and separation might be debilitated, their response times might be eased back and their judgment of hazard genuinely influenced. Guidance from the beverage driving site has given this structure for drinking: Preceding driving: †Men ought to devour close to 4 units, ladies close to 3 When drinking the prior night driving: †Men ought to devour close to 10 units, ladies close to 7. (This expect no liquor is expended after 11.30 pm, and that driving doesn't happen before 8 am the next morning) Cambridge province chamber have distributed that over the most recent three years there have been 324 beverage drive mishaps including passing and injury. Drink driving may cause the driver not ready to pass judgment on the speed and separation precisely; the driver may turn out to be progressively presumptuous while driving imperiling other street clients. With every one of these individuals on the streets, there is no big surprise such a large number of individuals are engaged with mishaps. Mishaps can likewise be brought about by individuals' very own inclinations. A driver may get a kick out of the chance to drive more slow than the individual in the vehicle behind due to not feeling sure on the streets or simply being careful. Numerous drivers out and about need more breaks during voyaging that could make the driver worn out, bad tempered and prone to turn into a threat to themselves as well as other people. Businessmen going in their own vehicle are probably going to have mobiles being used, without hands free or mouthpiece the drive by law needs to stop where safe and answer the call. As this is improbable occasion to happen the vast majority fit connections in the vehicle to forestall submitting an offense. Guardians with youngsters ought to forestall the driver being diverted, engage kids with a type of music or gear that will engage the kids while in their child seats or while they are belted up in the rearward sitting arrangements. Utilizing this kind of disposition while making an excursion will diminish the opportunity of a typical traffic offense and in the event of a mishap lessen the opportunity of basic mishap. (Ref 1) (Ref 2) (Ref 1) Poster on tiredness †I did a reviewed on ten individuals asking what they do during long excursions, five individuals said they don't stop however will in general vary the speed, play music and have desserts in the vehicle. Two individuals said that they stop at regular intervals at a pre-chosen break while the other three said that it relies upon the climate and whether they know where they are going. In the wake of demonstrating the banner to the five that don't stop, the drivers have changed their feeling and have consented to shrivel stop for a stretch, trade drivers if ready to and plan their excursion that stop each hour to two hours. (Ref 2) Poster on cell phones †while driving, demonstrates that individuals aren't multi-gifted that implies driving and utilizing a portable will partition there consideration running higher danger of a mishap. Looking over a similar ten individuals that I accomplished for the tiredness banner, I asked what number of have their mobiles turned on and how they would manage the driving on the off chance that they're versatile begun ringing. Three individuals said that they don't have their telephone on at all through excursions. Two individuals said that because of the idea of the business that they have hands free packs and one individual said that their organization introduced a mouthpiece set to abstain from missing calls while out and about. Four individuals said that they would possibly use there portable while sitting in rush hour gridlock or when they are driving on streets that wont cause the driver interruption. Subsequent to indicating the banner and requesting that they read it out, they thought that it was extremely hard and took a couple of moments to work out that the transcript was drawing in two distinct proclamations. After this examination, the entirety of the drivers that I reviewed that said that they would in any event get some gear introduced in their vehicle to abstain from causing mishap. In any event, utilizing hand free units and receivers aren't prompted, however they aren't illegal and they have decreased the measure of mishaps. Not every person can abstain from utilizing their portable while travel
Friday, August 21, 2020
Gathering Evidencee Essay Example For Students
Social affair Evidencee Essay Get-together evidenceThere are a wide range of things to accumulate data from in a wrongdoing scene. One of the fundamental things proof is assembled from is weapons and different guns. This strategy is called slug coordinating. At the point when a projectile is shot from a weapon, there are little infinitesimal scratches left on the slug. Each firearm is totally special, and no two weapons leave precisely the same example on the projectile. Legal researchers at that point shoot a projectile, and contrast it with the one found at the wrongdoing scene. In the event that the two projectiles coordinate, at that point they realize that weapon was utilized to carry out the wrongdoing. Another sort of proof is engrave proof. A few instances of engraving proof are shoe prints and tire prints. Tire prints can be particularly helpful. From a tire print, legal researchers can assemble enough data to tell what direction they went, what sort of tires they have, and above all sort of vehicle the individual was driving. Obviously, so as to accumulate this data, specialists need to take photos of the wrongdoing scene. To begin with, they snap a photo indicating where the wrongdoing scene is, and take photos of the zones around the wrongdoing scene. Next, they photo the entire room wherein the wrongdoing was submitted. They take photos of any conceivable proof; like projectile gaps, things dropped, or impressions. They additionally take pictures demonstrating how huge the proof is, by putting a ruler close to the proof and afterward shooting it. Video recorders are additionally utilized sporadically, to make long efforts of the entire wrongdoing scene.
Friday, July 10, 2020
Essay Topics for Classification and Division - Easy Tips to Improve Your Essay Content
Essay Topics for Classification and Division - Easy Tips to Improve Your Essay ContentTo write a powerful essay, it is very important to use the right essay topics for classification and division. In other words, you must make sure that the content of your essay is really about one topic, and you should only focus on that one topic.When you are writing a complex subject, the content of your essay might include a lot of different issues. So, in order to improve your essay content, you must learn how to select only one topic.Although you may be a good writer, it is not easy to write good essays because you must use the best essay topics for classification and division. But, it is possible to make good written essay in a short time, especially if you use the best essay topics for classification and division. Here are some tips that can help you make the right decision:The first thing that you need to do is to determine your theme and content of your essay. Themes are determined by the t opic and content that you will be using. For example, if you are writing an essay about freedom and democracy, you must use different topics such as how democracy differs from socialism, what kind of societies are produced by different types of government, etc.The next step is to write about topics that are related to the topic that you have chosen. This will help you know what is actually on your mind. The same method works when you are writing an essay about political science or sociology. Write about the same topics but change the topics to current events, news, current events, political views, etc.It is the easiest way to make use of the topic to write your essay. However, there is a more complex process that you must consider. After you have decided the topic, you need to choose the appropriate essay topics for classification and division. In this process, you must consider the problem and the solution to the problem that you are going to address.With the help of these tips, yo u can write the best essay topics for classification and division. These tips are very useful for students who want to write a good essay.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Essay about Baldwins Writing Style in Notes to a Native Son
Father and Son: Bad to Regrettable James Baldwin is known to be one of the best essay writers in the twentieth century who wrote on a few topics including race, discrimination, sexuality and most of all his personal experiences. In â€Å"Notes of a Native Son†, he uses two main strategies to get his point across. First, he likes to tell a story in a narrative view. Following is normally his analysis of the event. He describes the event and then gives his theory on the matter. By doing this, he grants the reader a chance to decipher the meaning. His interpretation may not be what the reader’s is. He likes to argue and provides the basis for his argument in â€Å"Notes of a Native Son†. Throughout the essay he talks about himself and his father,†¦show more content†¦There are stories he incorporates to illustrate the point. In the middle we move to a more self-centered narrative. He tells of his story in New Jersey where he realized he could kill someone. He shares some of his thoughts of why people acted as they did towards him and others. This is an effective way he uses narrating and analyzing to work for the reader’s understanding. The essay goes into great detail of his relationship with his father. He describes his father as cruel (65), bitter (65), and beautiful (64). He does mention the bad in length. On the flip side, he tells us some of the good as well. Throughout his storytelling, the reader gets a glimpse into his life and the way he feels. His feelings evolve during the extent of the essay. In the stories he tells, the word hate appears quite frequently. It is sometimes used about his father. â€Å"I saw nothing very clearly but I did see this: that my life, my real life, was in danger, and not from anything other people might do but from the hatred I carried in my own heart.†(72) This hatred he talks about exists towards his father. Other factors contribute too, but are not as often told. The death had aroused feelings inside Baldwin that he felt he needed to get out. His contempt of his father (63) lasts through most of the essay. Soon after this, we find out that Mr. Baldwin is sick and has beenShow MoreRelated Reviews of Notes of a Native Son Essay1238 Words  | 5 Pages Reviews of Notes of a Native Son Notes of a Native Son, a widely acclaimed and celebrated book by James Baldwin was subjected to many reviews upon its first publication. There were many opposing views between reviewers but almost all came to the conclusion that Baldwin’s use of words was extremely eloquent and intelligent. 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Born in 1924, Baldwin moved to Paris, France in his early twenties and it was from there that he did most of his important writing (Boyd). Baldwin began his writing career as a novelist and his personal goal was always to attain a status as a respected novelist but it was his contributions as an essayist tha t provided him with his greatest level of respect. Beginning in the mid-1950s and continuingRead MoreEssay on Racial Hatred in Notes of a Native Son1630 Words  | 7 Pages â€Å"Notes of a Native Son†: Baldwin’s Essay on the Disease of Racial Hatred Racism is an ugly word that churns up strong emotions whenever it is mentioned. Shocking images of lynchings, church bombings and race riots creep into the mind, and cause an almost physical reaction of repulsion and disgust. History books and old television clips do a good job of telling the story of racial hatred in America, but not what it actually felt like to be an African American during those times. 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In his book, The Price of the Ticket, he brilliantly provides insight on African Americans’ struggle against racial discrimination in the United States. James Baldwin faced a great deal of adversity in his life. Everywhere inRead MoreNotes Of A Native Son By James Baldwin1661 Words  | 7 Pages James Baldwin, Notes of a Native Son (originally appeared in Harper’s, 1955) â€Å"I had never thought of myself as an essayist,†wrote James Baldwin, who was finishing his novel Giovanni’s Room while he worked on what would become one of the great American essays. Against a violent historical background, Baldwin recalls his deeply troubled relationship with his father and explores his growing awareness of himself as a black American. Some today may question the relevance of the essay in our braveRead MoreASAM 5 Notes Essay6590 Words  | 27 Pagesenunciation value The aesthetic - social bind for minority writers Do dG limits, minority writers to be political To create pleasure   Lecture 2 - On Race and Baldwins Blues Thursday, January 9, 2014 9:32 AM  James Baldwin (1924-87) Novelist, essayist, social critic Preacher in his teens, then turned away toward writing Dual influence of art religion Went to France early in his life to distance himself from US Class discussion: Turn to the person next to you How does Baldwin defineRead MoreLangston Hughes Research Paper25309 Words  | 102 Pagesfathers tyranny made Langston sick enough to require hospitalization. By the end of the summer, Langston was glad to return to school in the United States. On the journey to his mothers house in Cleveland, Ohio, he recognized he was back in his native land when a white man in the trains diner car refused to eat at the same table with him, and a fountain clerk in St. Louis refused to serve him a soft drink. He dealt with these slights the way he would his entire life: He turned away quietly. ButRead MoreEudora Welty a Worn Path12166 Words  | 49 Pagespermission of the publisher. For complete copyright information on these eNotes please visit:−path/copyright Table of Contents 1. A Worn Path: Introduction 2. Eudora Welty Biography 3. Summary 4. Characters 5. Themes 6. Style 7. Historical Context 8. Critical Overview 9. Essays and Criticism 10. Compare and Contrast 11. Topics for Further Study 12. Media Adaptations 13. What Do I Read Next? 14. Bibliography and Further Reading 15. Copyright Introduction Eudora Weltys
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hamlet, By William Shakespeare - 900 Words
In this story Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, there was an excessive deal of questions surrounding Hamlet’s mental state. Claudius’s nephew hadn’t been the same since his father passed away. It’s been up for discussion as if he’s actually senseless surrounding the death, or the wedding between his mom and uncle. Gertrude and the King married approximately a month or two after the funeral. At this point it’s not actually established what the cause of his actions is. Was Hamlet at fault for Polonius’s death? If Hamlet is playing demented, has he seriously become absurd? I plan to discuss Hamlet’s mental state and answer a few of the questions above surrounding his mental health. This is a wonderful topic to discuss, this story had a weird ending, and I know it has a deeper meaning. I also recognize it is connected with people’s feelings. The type of feelings one has toward something and recognizes it doesn’t feel right. That gut feeling; intuition is the word I’m looking for. The queen’s son’s intuition played a major role in this, and it benefits that he’s clever. Gertrude’s son truly has a strategy to all of his actions. Which, in fact, lets us identify that he wasn’t illogical. Shakespeare is in fact, a genius for the conception of this story. This is true since these exist as forms of effects society are challenged with today, which is often misunderstood. Readers need to be aware of the level of carefully plotted events and consider the influence that it has onShow MoreRelatedHamlet, By William Shakespeare880 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare is praised as the pioneering English poet and playwright whose collection of theatrical works is regarded as the greatest artistic value throughout the history of English literature. Shakespeare delved into the spiritual and mental component of humanity and the consequences that arise from this human spirit when it is disputed. The most famous revenge tragedy play, Hamlet, is an excellent illustration of Shakespeare’s philosophical study of human nature. In Hamlet, the arguableRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare899 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare, author of Hamlet, was a well-known author in the 1500s and is still popular today. He was born on April 24, 1564 in London, England. Although there were no birth records at that time, it shows he was baptized one year prior to that, which leads us to believe his birthday was in 1564 because children were normally baptized a year after their birth. Shakespeare’s writing style was very different than others at that time. He used many metaphors and rhetorical phrases, and most ofRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare996 Words  | 4 PagesHamlet, written by William Shakespeare, with out a doubt holds the most famous soliloquy in English history spoken by Hamlet in Act III, scene i, lines 57-90. This soliloquy holds much importance to the play as a whole because it ties together the reoccurring themes of suicide and Hamlet’s inaction portrayed by Shakespeare. Hamlet poses a problem, which is the driving force of the play: â€Å"To be or not to be?†(III.i.57). Shakespeare uses this logical question asked by Hamlet to drive out his underlyingRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1178 Words  | 5 Pages In William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, the protagonist suffers from struggles with major characters, especially with the women in his life. While reading the play Hamlet, Hamlet appears to be a disillusioned man. Throughout the play, Shakespeare has only casted two females: Gertrude and Ophelia. Gertrude is defined to be incestuous, naà ¯ve and cold-hearted. On the other side, Ophelia is characterized to be ignorant, innocent and fearful. After the quick marriage of his mother and evil uncle, Hamlet’sRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1308 Words  | 6 PagesHamlet is arguably one of the greatest tragedies in all of literature and when most people think of tragic plays, they think of none other than the one who wrote it, William Shakespeare. This classic story of revenge excites it’s readers with its main character, Prince Hamlet, who goes through the unique human-like process of revenge that is often overlooked. Many other stories rely heavily on the logi c of good people doing good things and bad people doing bad things just for the sake of their natureRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare Essay1453 Words  | 6 PagesHamlet by William Shakespeare explores many aspects of mankind--death, betrayal, love, and mourning. Out of these, the most prominent theme in this play is death in the form of suicide. The main character, Hamlet, finds himself questioning the quality of life and the uncertainty of the afterlife once he discovers news of his father s death and the corruption in the kingdom that follows. Ophelia, Hamlet’s lover, is found dead later in the plot and is presumed to have committed suicide. In Hamlet’sRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1146 Words  | 5 PagesA character so complex, enticing and fascinating, his name is Hamlet. We are all Hamlet, and that, is the argument. Hamlet is an enigmatic character with many flaws. These flaws are the ones that prove similarities between us and him. A play so popular and significant is due to its huge relevance to us as a society. In the play Hamlet, William Shakespeare uses Hamlet’s character and metaphor to demonstrate that when one is left alone to their thoughts, these thoughts overtake reason. ConsequentlyRead MoreHamlet by William Shakespeare1456 Words  | 6 PagesThe play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, takes place in a time where the impossible was a part of the lives of everyday people. Occurrences that people in the modern time would believe unbelievable. Yet, with just a quill and parchment Shakespeare’s is able to connect the past and present by weaving a plot with skill that is still unparalleled to this day. The play Hamlet this exceeds this expectation by revealing depth of Hamlets, the protagonists, character personality through the useRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1920 Words  | 8 PagesIn the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the character Hamlet must deal with both external and internal conflict. Hamlet encounters many struggles and has trouble finding a way to deal with them. With so many corrupt people in his life, Hamlet feels as if there is no one that he can trust and begins to isolate himself from others. A result from this isolation leads Hamlet to become melancholy. Hamlet struggles with suicidal thoughts, wants to kill King Claudius, and is distraught over his mother’sRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare846 Words  | 4 Pagesalways been a contemplative topic. In Hamlet, the main character Hamlet thinks to himself about suicide. Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet between 1599 and 1602. William Shakespeare is one of the greatest playwrights in history. Hamlet is about Prince Hamlet of Denmark who is trying to find out about the death of his father after his father s ‘ghost’ comes to him telling him it was his uncle who had killed him. While Hamlet contemplates suicide he gives his famous
Microsoft Has Been Completely Reborn Under -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Microsoft Has Been Completely Reborn Under? Answer: Introducation In 2014, after Satya Nadella took over as the CEO of Microsoft, the company went through a much-needed restructuring process. Microsoft cut down 18,000 employees. Most of these employees were from Nokia which was the phone business acquired by Microsoft in 2014. Additionally, 5000 employees were laid off from Microsoft as part of the same restructuring. Reason for this reorganization was Satya Nadellas idea of a leaner and agile organization which can anticipate and innovate quickly with faster decision making (Etherington, 2014). Case of du Telecom In 2013, UAEs Du Telecom signed a MoU with Chinas Huawei Technologies. In a three year agreement, Huawei had agreed to help Du Telecom in developing an advanced mobile and broadband network. The rationale behind signing this MoU was to expand Du Telecoms networks to include technologies like LTE-Advanced, 4.5G and 5G capabilities in order to tap the exponential growth seen in consumer data usage (Toms, 2015). The major External pressures which lead these organizations to change are market decline and extensive competition. Before Nadella took over as CEO, Microsofts products were facing poor reception in the market. Microsoft was also facing competition from Apple and Google. As in the case of Du Telecom in order to tap the growing demand, they had to collaborate with an organization that has experience. The Internal pressure faced by Microsoft and Du Telecom is the pressure to grow their market share and form a collaboration with Nokia and Huawei Technologies respectively. Microsoft was like a puddle Before Satya Nadella took over as CEO, Microsoft had started to lose its control over the market. Windows 8 had not performed very well and the company was struggling to make its way into the smartphone revolution. Zune, which was launched to compete against iPod, had been a product failure and to add insult to injury, the customers were losing faith in the company (Palmer, 2017). The industry was shifting from Microsofts windows to Apples iPhone and Googles android resulting in a market share of less than 4%. Even the stock prices had stalled despite increased revenue and profits (McCracken, 2017). Initially, Microsoft talked about having its operating system Windows on every PC but by 2014 the scenario had changed completely. Mobile phones had made PCs obsolete. Microsoft needed a turnaround strategy in order to compete with Apple and Google whose innovations were quickly expanding their market share. Planning and preparing the change Problems with Choice of agent: In an organization, which was undergoing technological change, a manager who was considered an expert was selected to be the change agent. But this decision was proved to be wrong as this manager had no influence over its team. He was unable to communicate the top managements vision of change to the employees. Due to lack of influence, he was not able to stay abreast with the concerns people had with the change process. A person with subject expertise is not necessarily the right person for implementing change. Quality of change relationship: In the same organization a new technological advancement required a certain kind of training. When the employees got this news through grapevine, they resisted the change as they feared to lose their job despite the fact that the management had no such intentions. Due to poor communication with that group that is targeted for change implementation, the organization can face employee resistance at the beginning of change process (Heathfield, 2017). If the employees are resistant to change, it can adversely affect the quality of change relationship. Identification of the group to be targeted for change: Sometimes the target of change implementation might be wrong. For the two organizations which merged recently the focus of the cultural training included the middle and lower level management. However, problems started cropping up when the key people in the organization found it difficult to stay together and work. Specification of the change issues: While defining the organizational change issues managers might completely ignore the main issue and focus on other minor issues while developing an implementation plan. For example, an IT company dedicated its efforts in developing advanced versions of their existing products in order to compete in the market while completely ignoring the fact that the market has shifted to new innovations making their products obsolete. People and Culture While implementing change it is expected that change agent might face resistance from employees it can be both active and passive. When employees stop complying with new organizational norms, they continue to attend the meetings and might appear to agree with the change but do not do anything to fulfill the commitment. The active form of resistance can be seen in the form of sharing their discontent on public platforms and involving in unionism and politics in order to obstruct change process. Proper communication plays an important role in the successful implementation of change. Opportunity to offer feedback should reach every level of the organization till the lowest level. Communication is also important to help employees identify the benefits that the change will bring for them. Listening is also important to create a trusting and employee oriented organization (Heathfield, 2018). Another way to lessen the resistance is to link the collaborative behavior of employees with job pe rformance (Hayashi, 2017). Implementing Change Technological, political and economic policies, change in governance etc. are some of the external variables. Change in leadership and culture are some internal variables. If not taken into account, these variables can result in failure of change implementation. When Apple came up with iPhone Microsoft first denied that success of such a product is a possibility, but currently, the success of iPhone is a well-known fact. Under Steve Ballmer, Microsoft kept innovating products like Windows Vista and search engine Bing but was very late in including technological advancements in its change strategy (Thompson, 2013). So in the case of Microsoft, Technology was the situational variable that they did not take into account and failed in product innovation. It was only after Satya Nadella took over as the CEO, Microsoft was able to meet the pace with innovations happening in IT industry. Sustaining the change Change is the only thing that is constant. In order to survive the fast moving business environment, businesses should embrace change. Technology and innovations are the most important drivers of organizational change. Adapting to this change is important as it increases productivity and saves time (Richards, 2018). For an evidence-based practitioner, it is important to note that as a change agent, their role as an influencer, communicator and a progressive thinker will play a key role in the success of change management. A future change agent should not only prepare himself/herself with the subject expertise but build leadership skills as well to successfully lead the change implementation by motivating and communicating employees so that everyone in the organization shares the same goals and vision. For managing organizational change successfully, a change agent should cautiously address the fear of change in the minds of employees. Stress caused is directly proportional to the lev el of change experienced. In order to address this fear, change agents should ensure that the employees are heard and the management is communicating the expectations continuously and correctly. Secondly, it should also be ensured that the teams receive training for the skills required for them to stay updated. References BORT, J., 2015. How Satya Nadella has changed Microsoft in just one year. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 January 2018]. Etherington, D., 2014. Microsoft CEO Gears The Company For Change, And A Renewed Focus On Productivity And Platforms. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 January 2018]. Hayashi, S.K., 2017. Strategies For Managing Employees Who Resist Change. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2018]. Heathfield, S.M., 2017. Communication in Change Management. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2018]. Heathfield, S.M., 2018. How to Reduce Employee Resistance to Change. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2018]. McCracken, H., 2017. Satya Nadella Rewrites Microsofts Code. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. Palmer, A., 2017. Microsoft Has Been Completely Reborn Under CEO Satya Nadella. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2018]. Richards, L., 2018. Why Is Change Important in an Organization? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2018]. Sahota, D., 2013. Du signs project management agreement with Huawei. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 January 2018]. Thompson, N., 2013. Why Steve Ballmer Failed. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2018]. Toms, J.P., 2015. Du and Huawei work on advanced mobile networks for the UAE. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 January 2018].
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Japanese War Crimes
Introduction Japanese war crimes were committed during the reign of Emperor Hirobito. The paper will give a detailed analysis of the crimes that were committed such as mass killing, forced labor, lootings, use of biological and chemical weapons, cannibalism, sexual slavery, torture and enslavement. This will hence help in giving limelight to the main effects of the crimes.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Japanese War Crimes specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More To fully understand the crimes committed, the discourse will also analyze the Japanese and international law and some of the agreements that Japan signed in relation to the crimes that were later committed. As a means to an end, it will give a brief recommendation on the whole subject of war crime and the way forward for Japan. Discussion War crimes are the violations of war customs or laws (Trahan,7-13). This includes crimes that are committed against the enemies who can either be opponents or civilians. Though Japan has offered numerous apologies in regard to the suffering it caused, most people still assert that Japan still has not been humble enough to offer a genuine apology (Kristof, 37-49). Others in support of Kristof allege that the Japan government is not humble as it has until now not accepted the legal duty to compensate the people who were affected during the atrocities. Most women’s and Human’s rights organizations agree that Japan should have a legal and moral role to fully compensate the victims. However, Maga (9-31) disagrees with Kristof asserting that the nation has chosen to reject any form of reconciliation. It is the aim of this discourse to give a detailed analysis on the causes of war crimes in Japan in relation to crimes committed such as mass killing, enslavement, and forced labor among others.. It will also give limelight to obvious effects and discuss related laws and trials. Finally, it will give a recommendation. The Japanese Law in relation to War Crimes Japan promised to abide by the terms of Geneva Convention of 1929. Most of the crimes that were committed such as mass killing, lootings, slavery, forced labor, sexual slavery, torture among others did fall in the category of Japanese as well as the international law. For instance most of the crimes by the personnel in the period of the Second World War directly violated the military law. Moreover, the empire ended up breaking agreements that had been signed by Japan such as use of biological or chemical weapons as well as protecting the prisoners. The Japanese government fully accepted the terms that were set in 1945 by Potsdam declaration meaning they were not supposed to engage in the heinous activities that they later engaged in.Advertising Looking for research paper on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Overview of Japanese War crimes and causes Th e military forces were responsible for the war crimes in Japan (Christopher and Eitzen.412-417). Other forces such as Japanese army, the navy, imperial, emperor Hirohito among others were responsible for the war crimes ( Nelson443-467). These people have been cited to have been directly or indirectly involved in the killings and the crimes that were committed against innocent civilians and war prisoners. They were responsible for the killing of millions as even some of the Japanese soldiers admitted to committing the crimes is (Maga 17-35). They conducted numerous abuses against the prisoners and the civilians in East Asia as well as the pacific region (Nelson, 443-467). Since 1950s, most of the government officials in Japan have offered unaccountable apologies for the war crimes though others still deny of having knowledge on the happenings of this period as the killings and lootings at Nanjing by the Japanese soldiers. In comparison to other forms of aggression during the Second W orld War in other nations, Japan is the only country that used biological and chemical weapons. As stated earlier, the paper will give a detailed analysis on the crimes that were committed which were against the law. Use of biochemical weapons and effects Japan started researching on both the chemical and biological weapons in 1920s (Guillemin 545-549). One of the most influential persons who was responsible for these weapons and the later effects was Shiro Ishii ( Kleinman, 23-47). He did his research on innocent victims with the protection of the local police among other influential agencies. He later constructed a biological weapon research center which was later completed in the year 1939. Every year hundreds of his prisoners were exposed to numerous known diseases such as yellow fever and anthrax (Kleinman, 23-47) Ishii even used these prisoners for various hyperthermia and gangrene experiments (Guillemin 545-549). This was a period where most prisoners were even coerced to hav ing intercourse with people who had venereal diseases. The main victims of all these heinous acts and experiments were ordinary criminals, mentally challenged people, political prisoners, the homeless, the poor among others. Most of the prisoners who were used for the experiment were of Chinese origin as well as Americans, Europeans and Koreans.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Japanese War Crimes specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There is no definite data on the people who were killed during the experiments but it is estimated that over twelve thousand people were sacrificed in the name of research (Greenleaf, 275-411). Over 250, 000 people were killed during the field tests as well as in the period of the post war epidemic outbreak which is directly related to biological and chemical weapons that were used (Greenleaf, 275-411). Though Ishii was an influential researcher for both biological and chemical weapons, he did not commit these crimes alone, but he was helped by various veterinarians, researchers, doctors, among other medical experts (Kleinman, 23-47). All this happened during the reign of Emperor Hirohito in which other units which was like those of Ishii were constructed between 1931 and 1945. From the beginning of 1945, the Japan government denied having any knowledge on the activities of the chemical and biological weapons and its impact on people. They also in their interrogations on the issue tended to reduce the impact that these weapons had. In 1996 the spokesman for foreign affairs lied and defended the Japanese government asserting that the government did not have documents to prove without doubt that they used Chinese people for research.( Edwards, 317-336). That was an outright lie and Drifte ( 47-71) agrees that the Japanese government was obviously aware of the documents that confirmed the vast activities of the allied units and Unit 731. The Japanese governme nt was aware that during this period the highest authority including the Royal Family was fully responsible for these crimes. Since then, for unknown reasons, the Japanese government has refused to acknowledge on the existence of these crimes and those in authority today have continued to deny of having knowledge on such activities. It is to be understood that Japanese War Crimes were not just committed by the ethnic personnel. However, people in pacific and Asian countries teamed up with the Japanese military after coercion and threats. Others collaborated due to economic hardships, imperialist influence, aversion, among other adverse reasons. The result of the war crimes is quite vast and is nothing less than horrific. The war criminals due to the immunity given by the U.S were free to resume to their careers as if nothing happened. Various professions were dominated by high ranking Japanese researchers and medical personnel for a long time. These murderers even rose to high posts and became prominent government officials and presidents of various institutions and were credited for being outstanding researchers in the scientific world.Advertising Looking for research paper on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Research shows that most of the graduates of various units dominated the Ministry of Health. Additionally, criminals such as Kitano Masaji and Naito Ryoichi developed influential pharmaceutical companies for instance the Green Cross Company (Hornblum, 1437). Having criminals occupy public and private companies had its own consequence. It led to the Green Cross Scandal in which approximately 1500 Japanese were given unsterilized blood which had HIV virus The war crimes have led to numerous lawsuits which are still pending. The War crimes have led numerous charges to people who were liable against various crimes against peace. Some of these charges were introduced in Tokyo trials so as to prosecute class A, Class B and class C criminals. Class B criminals were prosecuted on the merit of being found guilty of the war crimes as per the Japanese and international law. Class C were the people who were guilty of crimes related During the period of 2nd Sino Japanese War, there was use of ga s weapons for example such as tear gas was used in 1937 though from 1938, the Japanese Army started using other chemical weapons such as nausea, chlorine, phosgene gas among other toxic gases. For instance, the emperor permitted the use of such toxic gases on various occasions during the Wuhan war of 1930 despite the agreement signed in relation to use of Noxious Gases in Warfare and Hague conventions(Maga, 18). Furthermore, during the Yichang battle of 1941, the Japanese army launched around one thousand toxic yellow and red gas shells which led to immense adverse effect on over 1,600 Chinese soldiers (Maga, 17-35). Enslavement in relation to war crimes There has been immense controversy on the role of Japan during the Second World War. This has been in relation to the numerous deaths of prisoners of war who were all under Japanese rule. During this period, the Japanese government during its criminal activities killed over 30 million people in which 25 million were Chinese (Futamur a, 59-114). Japan is known to have enslaved millions of people. People were exploited and worked as casual laborers and forced prostitutes. Additionally, forced labor caused several deaths. Over 100, 000 civilians ended up dying during the Siam Railway construction (Fatamura, 59-114). Fatumura in regard to the Tokyo Tribunal’s findings, asserts that the death rates from the Asian nations in which Japan was fully accountable was approximately 27.1% whereas the Chinese death rates were higher than that of the Asians which were directed by Emperor Hirohito( 59-114). Enslavement led to war crimes as it was against the Japanese and international law. Mass killings in relation to war crimes Japanese government was also guilty of mass killings as between the year 1937 and 1945; the military killed over 10 million people (Fatamura, 59-114). This was a result of poor military strategy and immoral national culture. The most famous incident happened in 1937 to 1938; Nanking Massacre, wh ere the Japanese military and army killed over 300, 000 prisoners and civilians (Maga, 17-35). This was against the law and hence led to war crimes. Torture as a cause of war crimes The Japanese forces employed vast usage of torture mechanisms in an effort to promptly gather intelligence. The tortured prisoners could be later executed which went undetected and unquestioned. The prisoners were bullied and murdered so as to cover evidence. This was crime against humanity. Cannibalism as a cause of war crime Another issue under crimes were cannibalism in which most Tokyo tribunals cases indicates that the personnel in Pacific and Asia who were from Japanese origin committed heinous acts of cannibalism against the prisoners. It was so tragic that the Japanese personnel started selecting prisoners daily where every day a prisoner would be killed and later eaten by the army. Liutenant Yoshio Tachibana among other personnel was convicted of cannibalism in 1946 (Maga, 17). Sexual slavery Th e other form of crime was sexual slavery among women where women were recruited by deceptive means, then abducted and finally forced to sexual slavery. This was against the law hence causing war crimes. Trials in relation to war crimes After the war, various people were categorized in the class A, B and C war criminals where around 984 people were condemned to death. Approximately 920 people were executed, 2, 944 people received prison terms, 475 people got a life sentence, 1, 018 got acquitted and around 279 people were neither brought to trial nor sentenced (Maga, 17-31). Emperor Hirohito and other members of the Royal Family who were implicated in the war were exonerated from the criminal prosecutions. Most of the historians have been cited criticizing this decision of the court to exonerate these high ranking officials of the Royal family arguing that they were directly involved in the war crimes. Recommendations It goes without saying that there comes a time when it is not nece ssary anymore to understand why Japan cannot genuinely apologize for its acts, why the Japanese soldiers committed such barbaric acts and even why the emperor was exonerated from the war crimes. The question is, does it matter anymore to count on the innocent victims who were killed during Nanjing Massacre, how many Chinese and Americans were tortured and killed or even how many times the Japanese used biochemical weapons in China which resulted to deaths? It is time that Japanese government acknowledged its war crimes if at all they want to maintain peace in the international sphere and even play a meaningful role in the United Nations (Li,.8-12). For Japan to gain trust of other nations, it ought to settle its legal and moral obligations. Japan should take responsibility for the war crimes, apologize to the victims who were involved in the atrocities and pay the appropriate reparations to all the victims. Conclusion It is apparent that Japanese War crimes had immense effect. The p aper has extensively discussed the Japanese War crimes focusing on the crimes committed, its effects and finally given a recommendation. Works Cited Christopher, George., Eitzen, Edward. â€Å"Biological warfare†. JAMA, 278.5 (1997): 412-417. Drifte, Reinhard. Japan’s security relations with China since 1909. From balancing to bandwagoning. New York: Routledge, 2002. Print Edwards, Jason. â€Å"Community focused apologia in international affairs. Japanese prime minister Tomiichi Murayama’s apology†. Howard journal of communication, 16.4 (2005): 317-336. Futamura, Madoka. War crimes tribunals and transitional justice. The Tokyo trial and the Nuremburg legacy. New York: Routledge, 2000. Print Greenleaf, Peter. Japan’s secret weapon. Washington: Current publishing, 1944 Guillemin, Jeanne. â€Å"Scientists and the history of biological weapons†. Science and society, 7 (2006): 545-549 Hornblum, Allen. â€Å"They were cheap and available: prisone rs as research subjects in 20th century’. Education and debate, 315(1997): 1437 Kristof, Nicholas. â€Å"The problem of memory†. JSOR, Foreign affairs, 77.6 (Nov 1998): 37-49 Kleinman, Arthur. Japan’s wartime medical atrocities. Comparative inquiries in science, history and ethics. New York: Taylor and Francis, 2010. Print Li, Peter. Japanese War Crimes: The search for justice. New York: Transaction publishers, 2003. Print Maga, Timothy. Judgment at Tokyo: The Japanese War crimes Trials. CA: University press of Kenturcky, 2001. Print Nelson, John. â€Å"Social memory as ritual practice: commemorating spirits of the military dead at Yasukuni Shinto Shrine†. Journal of Asian Studies, 62.2 (2003): 443-467 Trahan, Jennifer. Genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. A topical digest of the case law of the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. New York: Human Rights watch, 2006. Print This research paper on Japanese War Crimes was written and submitted by user Lydia Bradford to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Angelas ashes essays
Angelas ashes essays 1. I selected this novel because my mother said it would be a great book to read. She said it gave me a good aspect that my great grandparents went through. 2. The Characters, the setting and the title were very important because it added to the effect to what the times and the theme of the whole novel were like. The characters brought good support because with out the characters support then the whole book would just be about Frank, and Im sure that would be boring. The setting brings a great background for the story to come to life, the poverty of Ireland; its an interesting subject. The Title explained how Angela had to somewhat die on the inside to keep her self-going all the time. 3. His vocabulary was all right and really wrote with an Irish accent, it was like kind of like last years novel. 4. I didnt like the type of human nature because it was harsh the way they treated their students...but it kept them on their toes. For example, they hit them with whips and slapped them. Or when frank slapped his mother when he was drunk. It wasnt right. 5. Today, we have shelters for this kind of problems and in this country we give the poor hot food and medicine if they need it. 6. The plot is Frank and how he grew up, his family life and how it affected his life afterwards. A couple reasons being, his father would most times come home drunk also sometimes he spent a lot of his time playing and spending time with his kids. He was a good father when he was sober. So in turn he knows now what good aspects of being a good father are as well. 7. A Quote that supports number three is on page 11, paragraph two. ...When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I survived at all. It was, of course, a miserable childhood: the happy childhood is hardly worth your while... it describes he Irish catholic background of family. It also describes how interesting his life is by being poor, and if it were any...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
A Critical Comparison Between Clt English Language Essay
A Critical Comparison Between Clt English Language Essay In the case of communicative language teaching, students do not know how to communicate using appropriate social language they have studied, so teachers need to engage them in all sorts of activities like: role playing, problem-solving tasks, discourses and so on, in order to practice some real-life communication problems with one another. As for the direct method, teachers who use it think that a student has to learn how to think in the target language and then to be able to communicate successfully with others. They also think that students need first of all to associate the meaning with the target language. In order to do this, they use in class pictures, pantomime, sounds, gestures and so on, without translating a word into the student’s native language. In the direct method students learn how to speak when they are given some real situations like the following: they are in England and they have to go shopping. They have no food and only some clothes for the summer and th ey have to handle this particular situation where they have to speak to the cashier and to the shop assistants. The teacher and the learner’s roles in CLT and DM method : The direct method was established in Germany and France around 1900 and the communicative language teaching began in Britain in the 1960s as a replacement to the earlier structural method, called Situational Language Teaching. Both methods resemble in the fact that they refrain from using the learners’ native language and just use the target language. Their oral communication skills are built up in a carefully and progressive, they are both organized around question-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students in small but quite intensive classes. To the extent of learning a foreign language through the communicative language teaching, students need to have some knowledge about linguistic forms, meanings, structures and functions. The teacher is the developer or the promoter of student’s learning abilities. He manages all the activities in the classroom and he answers all the student’s questions, he is engaged in the conversations and he supports them all along. On the other hand, with the direct method, the teacher uses first some evidence, he shows his students pictures, he has the role to make them understand the meaning of things; he explains them facts with the use of pantomime and so on. One of the most conclusive characteristics of the CLT method is that all the activities are done communicatively and when they end, they also receive a feedback. Some other characteristics of this method are: the use of authentic materials, activities done in small groups of people, interaction between students is favored, etc. Same goes for the direct method too, the materials used (pictures, books, posters, bills, tickets and so on) should be authentic, to make students acquire new vocabulary words or phrases correctly in the target language. When a goal of these meth ods is to teach students grammar or the ability to produce sentences structurally correct in a language, the direct method comes with an inductive approach (i.e. having learners find out rules through the presentation of adequate linguistic forms in the target language) same goes for the communicative approach where students formulate the rules themselves (inductive learning) rather than teachers (deductive learning). Learners should not be overwhelmed with linguistic terminology (Brown, 2001), grammar rules will be clearer and be remembered better if they are taught in digestible segments bearing the cognitive process in mind.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Cyber Crimes Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cyber Crimes - Coursework Example Computer programs that breach the target system facilitate it. Examples of hacker’s objectives include illegal funds transfer and retrieval of information such as in cases of deformation need to undermine competition. Another type of cyber crime is â€Å"cyber stalking,†defined as continuous harassment initiatives or actions, over the internet that induces considerable threats to a victim (Gupta, 2006, p. 7). Examples of cyber stalking include online sending of intimidating messages or calls (Gupta, 2006). Another type of cyber crime that has developed with the increased level of dependence on electronic system is â€Å"software piracy†(Gupta, 2006, p. 9). Pirating software means stealing software or illegally obtaining and distributing its counterfeit copies. Business organizations’ reliance on software for data recording, storage, and analysis identifies the enterprises as prime victims of software piracy. The piracy has a number of disadvantages to the victim businesses, buyers of counterfeit software, who cannot obtains rights of usage and warranties on the products besides risking hardware because the pirated products are hardly tested for approval (Gupta, 2006). Infecting other parties’ system through spreading viruses is another type of ‘cyber-classified’ crime. This involves dissemination of a harmful program to other parties’ systems and may aim at paralyzing a business’ network to interfere with its operations. Other cyber cri mes include jamming of networks and committing frauds over the internet (Siegel, 2008). One of the effective measures to warding cyber crimes is legal deterrence, initiative that can be achieved by reporting, to law enforcement authorities, cases of cyber crimes or behaviors suspected to possibly lead to cyber crimes. This, together with provision of evidence, facilitates successful prosecution of offenders and discourages others from engaging in cyber crimes. Reporting
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Notions of gender have significantly informed the development of Essay
Notions of gender have significantly informed the development of health policy and of health care practice. critically discuss - Essay Example This paper illustrates how notions of gender have significantly contributed to the development of health policy and the development of health care. Health policy is aimed at being a vessel for discussion and exploration of issues in the health system. In particular, it is intended to promoting communication between the health policy and legislators, system researchers, professionals and decision makers who are concerned with development and implementation of health systems and reforms in health care. These policies and reforms are being made in an ever increasing pace and policy makers are forced to look over to other countries to find solutions to their own problems. The commitment of health policy is to ensure that there is international dialogue that makes sure that policies are put into practice based on specific issues and goals as well as in the particular situations (Walsh, 2004:146). Looking back at history, there was a growing strength of women’s movement in the late 1960s and 1970s. This growth challenged the ‘medicalisation’ of bodies of women and the structure of women’s medical health needs as dissimilar from their own priorities and experiences. The women’s movement went ahead and questioned the myth that male partners or doctors had better knowledge about their bodies than the women themselves knew (David 2008). This represented the women experiences in sexual, physical, mental and reproductive health needs. Based on the social, economic and political forces that influenced heath, they analysed their experiences and searched for the connections between class, race and gender-based coercion and the way they affected the women (Graham, 2009:146). According to David (2008), there was evolution of the concepts of gender and gender analysis from feminist point of view that emphasised the cultural and social nature of most of the differences between women and men. This is
Friday, January 24, 2020
Free Hamlet Essays: Lonely Hamlet :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays
Lonely Hamlet Hamlet’s decision to keep the murder of his father a secret to himself, along with the betrayals of many of his close friends and family, leads to his eventual downfall. If someone was there for him, whether it was his mother Gertrude, his girlfriend Ophelia, or Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, maybe his timeless death could have been prevented. Instead, his mother sides with Claudius who wants to kill him, Ophelia won’t go behind her father, Polonius’, back to be with him and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern go behind Hamlet’s back and spy on him for Claudius. Gertrude’s blindness to the whole situation is sickening. How she marries the brother of her former husband right after he kills him and never knows the truth is beyond me. She never cared about how her son felt before or after she married Claudius. She didn’t even wait very long after her husband died to get married again ( I; ii; 180-181. "Thrift, thrift, Horatio. The funeral baked meats did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables".). Therefore she is either a very slow, naïve woman or a very evil, coldhearted one. For someone to side with a person even after their own son has told them that the person they’re with has murdered their former lover is absolute lunacy ( III; iv; 29-30. "A bloody deed- almost as bad, good mother, as kill a king, and marry his brother".). Not knowing the truth in the first place is one thing, but turning your back on your own flesh and blood is another. Therefore without his mother on his side, Hamlet has lost all the fami ly in his life that could have helped him get through his terrible time and he sinks lower than ever before. Ophelia’s obedience towards her untrusting father is indescribable ( I; iii; 101-103. "Affection? Pooh! You speak like a green girl, unsifted in such perilous circumstance. Do you believe his tenders, as you call them"?). Why a grown woman would listen to her father and not help the man of her dreams in his time of need is disheartening. A man’s girlfriend should be there for him when a family member passes away, no matter what. If she had been with him on the plan to kill Claudius and knew about his fathers ghost who told Hamlet that Claudius was the one that murdered him, than neither one of them would have went crazy.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Marketing Techniques Are Used to Market Products Essay
P1 – describe how marketing techniques are used to market products in two organisations’ Marketing is the activity and process for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchange a product or service; which has values for the customers/clients. Overall it is an integrated process which builds customer relationship and creates an identity for their customers and themselves. However, marketing can be separated into submarkets – Business to Consumer marketing and Business to Business marketing. Business to Consumer Marketing: This is the process by which companies create a value for customers and build a strong customer relationship. Importance of creating a customer relationship is for the business to capture a return value from the customer; (e.g. Newsagent to Consumer). Business to Business Marketing: This is creating a value, solution, and relationship either for a short term or a long term with a business or a brand. This process generates a strategy that motivates sales techniques, business communication, and business developments; (e.g. Wholesalers to Newsagents). †¢A business with an aim is the goal the business wants to achieve (Long Term). Primary aim for all business organisations is to add value to the product or service they are providing and some businesses involve in making some profit. Some other aims include more strategic options like expansion, market leadership/increase in market share and brand building. †¢Business objective is more of step by step plan to take in order to achieve a stated aim (Short Term). To know the progress made by the business to achieve the objective, SMART plan used: Private Sector: Businesses in the private sector are owned by private individuals or groups. The main aims and objectives of a private sector business are to make profit and survive. Examples are: Ford, Nokia and Armani. Public Sector: Businesses in the public sector are owned or controlled by the government or regional authorities. Public sector businesses aims and objectives are not necessarily aiming to make a profit; most of their money comes from funds that are acquired through tax revenue. These types of business organisation for example are: NHS, Fire Services and State Schools. Voluntary Sectors: Businesses in the voluntary sector raise money to support particular cause or provide a service to those in need. Even though voluntary sector businesses do not aim to make a profit, they do aim to make a surplus after all costs have been covered. Another aim voluntary sector businesses may have is to increase service provision. Examples of this type of business are: Save The Children, Cancer Research UK, RSPCA. However, public and voluntary organisations have similar aims to the private sector; which is to run efficiently. The three sectors can plan their objectives by using SMART: Specific – making sure the objective is clear and readable. Measureable – for example, the data can be quantified. Achievable – if the objective is possible to be attained. Realistic – make sure the objective is real depending on the current stature of the business. Time Bound – making sure the objective can be achieved in an associated time period. Marketing strategies define objectives, plan and produce the way the business is going to satisfy customers in the chosen market. Using market strategy, businesses set marketing goals, define target markets and describes how the business should work to achieve the positioning to have an advantage over its competitors. The process used for marketing strategy has three steps, which are shown below: 1.Research and Planning During this period, the business/organisation first develops an understanding and gathers a clear picture of their target customers. As well as understanding the customers, the firm also analyse their market and competition. This gives them a view of what the markets are wanting and what the market needs and also they can follow the steps of the competitors. With this information they can then plan and start developing their market strategy. 2.Developing The Market Strategy This is the next step after collecting data from analysing the market and competition and also understanding the market’s needs and wants. Next steps are to refine the distribution; so what would be the best way to deliver the product or service to the target customer. The firm at this point identify their objectives and choose the right path to exploit any opportunities seen during the research stage. 3.Determining Actions and Controls Final stage is when you implement the strategy. So to implement the strategy; the organisation has to analyse the financial costs by creating a budget and evaluate the costs. After having this data calculated, the marketing strategy is then put into action and during the period of the activation of the strategy the firm will continue to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy and either start planning for a new one or extend if there may be any faults in the recent strategy. Now looking at the two businesses given; Brodie’s Beer and Cadburys plc; they both are private sector businesses with Brodie’s Beer having aims to survive and maximising profit and Cadburys plc’s aims is to increase growth in market share and maximising profit. Cadburys Plc One of Cadburys’ products called Fuse was being developed and Cadburys had an objective set while working on their new product. Their objectives were: To grow the market for chocolate confectionary. To increase Cadburys’ share of the snacking sector. So when developing the product, the objective â€Å"increase Cadburys’ share of the snacking sector†was set to make sure that when Cadbury launched another product; it had a USP (Unique Selling Point. Fuse is a snacking and chocolate bar and was developed to bolster the position of Cadburys against the consumer trend towards snacking. Cadburys had a target market of ages from 16-34 when launching the fuse bar and had launched a ‘Fuseday’ campaign for the release of the chocolate/snacking bar Fuse. They had used Direct Marketing by having sponsorship from the Daily Mirror and Live TV and also Public Relation campaign involving national TV, radio and press coverage. The product Fuse; was the first national product launch from Cadburys in over 20 years and due to the high marketing commitment; over 40 million bars were delivered to trade in the first week of launch. Branding technique was used for all the marketing of the Fuse bar and the campaign called ‘Fuseday’ – it produces a positive image and presents an awareness of the product and company through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme. There are also other marketing techniques that are used for new or existing products in a new or existing market, these techniques are: growth strategies, survival strategy and relationship marketing. Brodie’s Beer Ltd Brodie’s Beer is a private limited company in the private sector. They brewer their own beers and also sell them. One of the beers they have is: Stillwater, Premium 45, 8.5% – Belgian Malt Liquor. 50% Corn and Massive dry hops of Galaxy, Citra, Kohatu Brodie’s Beer market their products by launching an event which allows the public to examine and ponder round in the brewery looking and tasting the different types of beer – free samples. This is one sort of relationship marketing and giving away free samples is an attractive way to advertise their products and the business itself to the open public. This allows customers to have a ‘test drive’ of the products that the businesses want to promote. The long term of free samples is that the customers will remember this act and will start purchasing the products. Free samples also bring in new customers and new products into the market and this gives Brodie’s Beer the opportunity to gain new loyal customers – which is the benefit of relationship marketing. The only drawback to this is the financial investment. All the money spent in brewing the alcohol and then giving most of it as tasters is a drawback as the time and money spent can go to waste if those customers are not going to purchase any beer in the future. However giving away free samples is a win-win strategy for the business as well as the consumers.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Implementing a New Business Structure - 2646 Words
Implementing a New Business Structure at Acme Fireworks Timothy Taylor BUS311 Business Law I Beverly Rudnick September 28, 2015 Implementing a New Business Structure at Acme Fireworks As the operational needs of a business change, the business must change with it. During expansion, it must evaluate its position and its future potential and make decisions as to the structure and operations of the company, current and future obligations, its risks, the kind of workforce that is necessary, and how to implement this body of people for maximum effectiveness and profits. Acme Fireworks is no different. Acme Fireworks is a fireworks retailer and display company that has grown from humble beginnings in a garage to 15†¦show more content†¦An offer is an invitation or proposition to engage in business for mutual benefit. While no specific legal language is required to make the contract valid, the language that is presented must be specifically chosen to convey the intent of the proposal (Rogers, 2012). Second, there must be an acceptance. As Craig Smith says it, acceptance is a manifestation of willingness to be bound by the terms of an offer (Smith, 2015). Acceptance exists any time someone agrees to engage in business under the terms proposed. The third aspect is consideration. Consideration comes in many forms, but includes the exchange of mutual values (Rogers, 2012). The buyer provides consideration to contracts generally by exchanging money, what most sellers want from the transaction and the cornerstone of all business activity. The seller provides consideration in the form of goods or services that the buyer is willing to buy (Rogers, 2012). The next essential element of contracts is legality. To be recognized and enforceable, the elements and terms of the contract must be legal and cannot be based upon the performance of illegal activity (TFD, 2015). Finally, a valid agreement requires capacity. To enter a contract, one must be at least 18 years old, of sound mind, and competent to perform his or her duties, including an understanding of ones future obligations (TFD, 2015). While a preliminary version of mutual consideration has been discussed, noShow MoreRelatedResearch A Management Issue Or Potential Management Issues From Case Study1675 Words  | 7 Pages.................................................................................3 2. 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