Thursday, November 28, 2019
Toastmaster Speech free essay sample
How many of you consider fitness and important part of your life? What fitness activity do you enjoy? Good afternoon fellow toastmasters and guests, today for my speech I would like to talk to you about what is fitness for me and why do I consider it an important part of any person’s life. Let me start by saying that for me fitness is not an activity that you have to do because you are overweight and you want to look good. I grew up with this misconception, In my country, every time you feel that you are gaining weight you join a gym for a month, do lots of cardio activity so you lose the extra weight and then go back to a yoyo diet and a sedentary life and stay in it as long as you’re looking good. I mentioned this to one of my fitness friends and she said, â€Å"I would never imagine that! Every time I watch miss Universe the most beautiful figures are Latinas, you will imagine they are constantly working out†I said, well â€Å"These ladies would work out very hard and diet to be very good for the event but that’s not something constant in their lives, many of them will just visit a plastic surgeon to help them reach their goals†Now that I better understand what fitness is all about, for me, fitness means being able to perform a constant physical activity that helps me to have the energy and strength to feel as good as possible. We will write a custom essay sample on Toastmaster Speech or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The weight control is just one more of the added benefits. You dont have to be an athlete to be fit. You don’t have to run for an hour every day. All you need to do is become more active so that you feel better. Improving your fitness is good for your heart, lungs, bones, muscles, and joints. And it lowers your risk for diseases such as heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cancer. Being more fit also can help you to maintain a healthy weight, sleep better, handle stress better, and keep your mind sharp. Fitness also allows you to keep a more positive attitude towards dreams and goals. People who reach goals with regular success are sometimes more mentally fit, sometimes more physically fit. But theyre always at least one or the other, usually both. They know the real advantages that Fitness produces. Most goals require concentration and ongoing peak mental performance. A sluggish mind can hold you back. On the flip side, improved mental skills help you learn faster and create new ideas for future plans. A strong mind sees connections you didnt know were there before, it remembers mistakes, and has clearer insights into your life. Think of it this way: like your body, your brain needs to be fed and exercised to perform well Fitness has one more, vitally important role it helps determine your attitude. Your attitude can spell success or failure. Like Henry Ford said If you think you can do or cant do something, youre right. Optimists generally reach more goals faster than pessimists. And positive thinkers attract positive people I would like to give you 5 tips that can help you to step towards becoming more physically active. * Make physical activity part of your regular day, just like brushing your teeth or going to work. * Use the stairs more often, walk to do errands near your home, Bike to work at least once a week. * Start walking. Walking is a great fitness activity. To keep up a routine, you can walk with family, friends or pets. * Schedule your activity for times that youre likely to keep doing it. If you dont have time for one 30-minute walk, break it up into three 10-minute walks. * Find a partner or consider joining a gym or sport club. This can make exercising more fun, there are many choices there so try to find one that you enjoy and mix it up so you don’t get bored. * Set small, realistic goals to improve your fitness. Making small changes in your daily lifestyle helps you improve your fitness. To conclude I would like to say theres no need to build your own obstacles. You have enough challenges to meet without handicapping yourself by ignoring Fitness. Besides the obvious health risks and damage to your life expectancy. Every day, you have a choice: to stand still and let others choose your future, or to have the courage to take action. Rewrite your story, and redefine what you thought you were capable of. Small changes can produce big changes in the way you feel. To stay confident, stay optimistic, set realistic goals, see the possibilities, not the problems and dont forget to celebrate! Enjoy what youve done and be proud of your accomplishments.
Monday, November 25, 2019
A Handful of Dust essays
A Handful of Dust essays In Evelyn Waughs, A Handful of Dust, Tony Last exists as an aristocrat whose devotion to Victorian values and beliefs controls and dictates his life; leaving him blind to the unhappiness and boredom his wife, Brenda, experiences due to his primitive and outdated ways. Tonys obsession with the Victorian lifestyle only intensifies with his exposure to the material and transient qualities of the new, emerging society. The rapid development of this society shortens the existence of the Victorian lifestyle and seemingly leaves Tony as the last member of his beloved British society. Unwilling to conform and desperately clinging to his traditional ways, Tony creates his existence as an outsider; rejected and abandoned by society he seeks refuge and familiarity in Hetton. Ironically, it is Tony Lasts devotion and loyalty to the preservation of Hetton that lead to the ultimate destruction of his life. The emerging modern society transforms Victorian culture into a mere memory of the pas t, Tonys overwhelming devotion and loyalty to Hetton create the abandonment, solitude, and destruction he experiences throughout the duration of the novel. The marriage between Brenda and Tony suggests the extermination of Empire, the disillusion with the imperialist development that was intimidating in the modernist period. Tony Last lived his life with order. His loyalty and dedication to his estate was that of outstanding perseverance. But there was not a glazed brick or encaustic tile that was not dear to Tonys heart (13), he cherished every bit of that estate. His estate was entirely rebuilt in the gothic style and is now devoid of interest. He even named the bedrooms in their country estate after characters from the King Arthur stories, with the central clock tower, the dining hall with its hammer-beam roof and pitch-pine minstrels gallery; their bedrooms with their brass bedsteads, all of which the...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Reflections on the Life and Period of King Saul Essay
Reflections on the Life and Period of King Saul - Essay Example The bible narrates that when the Prophet Samuel grew old, the elders of Israel demanded a king for Israel because the sons of Samuel were not walking in the ways of Samuel and also because they need a leader â€Å"like other nations†(1 Samuel 8.5). At first, Samuel attempted to dissuade his people from having a king. Samuel was also â€Å"displeased†and prayed to God. In response, God communicated to Samuel that it was not Samuel’s leadership that the people was rejecting but God’s kingdom (1 Samuel 8.7). God asked Samuel to tell his people what a king would do: draft citizens for army service, get a tenth of the harvest, and turn people to slaves (1 Samuel 8.10-18). However, the people remained steadfast in asking Samuel for a king and God eventually conceded (1 Samuel 8.21). The Israelites wanted a king â€Å"like the other nations†to lead them, go with them, and fight their battles (1 Samuel 8.20). According to the biblical account, God told S amuel that he has chosen Saul to be king and to lead in the delivery of Israel from the Phillistines and God also told Samuel that the cries of the people of Israel has reached him (1 Samuel 9.15-17). Biblical accounts describe Saul as a Benjamite who was the tallest Israelite during his time. In revealing God’s choice for Saul to become king, Samuel reminded the Israelites that God has been protecting Israel and that by demanding a king, they were rejecting God (1 Samuel 10.17-19). It is important to note that the bible reported that Samuel explained to Israel the regulations of the kingship (1 Samuel 10.25) but nowhere in the bible were the regulations of kingship described or documented. Interestingly, when Saul was anointed king, 1 Samuel 12.1-25 told us that Samuel made a farewell speech, indicating that Saul was to fulfil many functions that Samuel used to fulfil. This indicates that in the movement from Samuel to Saul leadership, there was a movement from theocracy to monarchy. At the same time, in that monarchy, particularly in the Israeli monarchy under Saul, religious figures like Samuel continued to play an important role such in 1 Samuel 13, Samuel rebuked Saul and that Samuel continued to play a role in the military affairs of the Saul monarchy. Eventually, however, in 1 Samuel 15, Samuel after declaring earlier or in 1 Samuel 15.1 that he was the one sent by the Lord to anoint Saul as king declared later that â€Å"the Lord has rejected Saul as king over Israel†in 1 Samuel 15.26. Samuel and Saul parted ways and Samuel anointed David to succeed Saul as king (1 Samuel 16.1-13). David entered Saul’s service (1 Samuel 16.13-23). David eventually succeeded Saul as the king of Israel even when the former became the object of Saul’s jealousy and liquidation plots. Saul’s death is recorded in 1 Chronicle 10. III. The Literature on the Life and Period of King Saul In 1928, in an article published in the Journal of Bibli cal Literature, E.G. Kraeling described the â€Å"real religion of ancient Israel†(133). According to Kraeling, Yahweh or God is never compared to a king because God is the king (152). God is the one â€Å"who sits (enthroned) on mount Zionâ€
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Marketing Communications Campaign (Advertisement) for a Masters Degree Essay
Marketing Communications Campaign (Advertisement) for a Masters Degree - Essay Example This paper illustrates several aspects outstand about the advert observed, which makes it attract the eye of the person that sees it. Firstly, the poster is very clear; the details that are given are straightforward. No exaggerations are made, the information is very categorical and features exactly what potential learner may want to know. Its clarity also arouses interest since the interested person would like to call and know more; otherwise, uninterested parties are kept away easily. Another characteristic of the advert is that it takes a very simplistic approach; the design is simple while the information provided takes a narrow scope but it provides the platform in which an interested person may go to seek for more information. However, the simplistic approach has made them leave some of the vital information that could be more attractive or giving more directions to the user, for example, the University website. If this detail is added the advert can most likely capture a bette r attention and the ease of getting further information enhanced. Adverts are prone to zipping and zapping by the consumers. Research has indicated that zipping and zapping have the ability to interfere with the processing of information presented in an advert this is because of it is strongly linked to the information processing of the human brain. Recommendations made towards the elimination of this advertising impediment are to reduce the airing period or otherwise increase the speed of the presentation when airing through the television. In this advert, the brevity of information provided gives it the perfect presentation that will already feed the consumer before the thought of zipping or zapping gets into their mind. Well, despite the effects of these two aspects the viewer will already have the information with them. This makes it very easy to retrieve the information without much strain. The ease is brought about by the fact that the viewer is likely to capture the name of t he institution as well as the program hence they can seek the information from the internet when they are in need of the program information.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Extent which UK Government has Opted Fundamental Reform of the Essay
Extent which UK Government has Opted Fundamental Reform of the Education Provision with SEN - Essay Example These have raised two arguments from the disabled Activists who want the society to include the disability clause in the policies. The first focuses upon the ways in which disability and learning difficulties are problems created socially by the society's power structure. The arguments clearly points out that physical and also mental impairment are there to show the large diversity of human nature and should not be viewed as disabilities. Mistreating people with physical and mental impairments is what transforms the impairments into disabilities. Isolated Special education institutions are viewed as oppression to the disabled. The New Labour initiative which supports inclusive schooling has been the Strategy for special education needs which remove barriers to educational achievement (DfES, 2004). The importance of this strategy is that it takes special education within the wider policy initiative of the Green Paper Every child matters (The Stationery Office, 2003) 144 D. Armstrong offers the most comprehensive expression of inclusive education policy within New Labour's wider ideological vision of the inclusive society. With its origin bein... SEN (DfES, 2004) strategy by the Government seeks to signify inclusive education in the same cocoon of protecting the child and promoting learning activities for those children with special needs. The four essential areas of activities for chid protection are; Parents of children with special needs should be given access to suitable healthcare and children with learning problems should receive help in the early stages Inclusive practice should be adopted in early years in every school which will considerably remove barriers to learning. Developing and improving teachers' proficiency and policies for meeting children with special education needs which will raise expectations and the general school leading to the learner's progress. Involving parents in delivering which will help parents develop confidence on the education needs obtained by their children. Pursuing this child protection model of inclusion, the Strategy for special education needs locates special educational interventions within the broader context of social disadvantages experienced by young people whose origins lie within 'risk factors' associated with educational failure, community breakdown, parenting inadequacies, school disorganisation and individual and/or peer group difficulties. These risk factors have been widely proclaimed as giving rise to concerns for the welfare of young people across the domains of education health, social welfare and youth justice (Lupton, 1999; Bessant et al., 2003). The risk factor model is one that has been instrumental in promoting an interventionist strategy of risk reduction to be delivered by cross-agency childhood services. The DEE, (1994) Code of Practice came
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Concept Of Teaching Practicum
The Concept Of Teaching Practicum Teaching practicum concerns preparation of teachers and its use has embraced all the learning experiences of student teachers in schools. The purpose of reviewing related literature is to explore ideas of teaching practicum. This review will discuss three main ideas, namely, overview of the concept of beliefs and teaching practicum, theoretical framework and related research studies. 2.1 The concept of teaching practicum Teaching practicum is almost universally accepted today as the climax of a teachers professional preparation in pre-service teacher education programs. According to the studies of Gower Walters (1983), the teaching practice programme is the major essential component in professional education. Teaching practicum is defined as those periods of continuous practice twelve weeks (depends on the particular teacher training college or university) in school constitute an obligatory part of the course in colleges or universities of education. This period of practical experience is also called by various term, clinical experience, student teaching, teaching practice as well as practicum. During the teaching practicum, student teacher conducts classroom lessons and performs the duties of a teacher in school. According to the Teacher Training Division Guidelines on practicum for pre-service teacher training (2005), teaching practicum provide opportunities for student teacher to practice theories in teaching and learning practices and to develop individual teaching and learning theories. The main aim of teaching practicum is to produce effective school teachers and not merely classroom teacher. Student teachers are also provided with opportunities for a variety of encounters with children in schools. This means that student teachers are not only know how to teach effectively in class but are also able to handle co-curricular activities as well. In short, teaching practicum programme is to equip future teachers with the essential experiences which can lead to the development of their professional competencies. Teaching practicum aims for student teachers to master and practice all the concepts, principles, skills and values in order to become a professional teacher. 2.2 What is belief ? According to Michaela Borg (2001), belief is a proposition which may consciously or unconsciously held, is evaluative in that it is accepted as true by the individual, and there imbued with emotive commitment; further, it serves as guide to thought and bahaviour. On the other hand, Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) define belief as information, factual, and nonfactual cognitions. Cognition is described as what someone knows or assumes to be true (Berkowitz, 1980, p. 275). No matter what is ones belief, the beliefs still play an important role in many aspects of teaching, as well as in life. It is because these beliefs help individuals make sense of the world, influencing how new information in perceived, and whether it is accepted or rejected. Nevertheless, beliefs differ from knowledge, although they are related to each other, in that beliefs do not always represent the truth. Beliefs are not only considered as discipline-dependent (Tsai, 2002), but beliefs also include understandings, assumptions, images or propositions that are felt to be true (Kagan, 1992 Richardson, 1996). 2.3 Theoretical framework 2.3.1 Teachers Beliefs Shulman (1986) claimed that a teacher needs to know about the subject matter, to know a variety of general instructional strategies, and to know about the specific strategies necessary for teaching particular subject matter. Most of us would also agree that the good teacher transforms curriculum goals and guidelines in such a way that a particular student is able to master and understand the related content. Dan Lortie states that ones personal predispositions are not only relevant but, in fact, stand at the core of becoming a teacher. Teachers belief is a term usually used to refer to teachers pedagogic beliefs, or those beliefs of relevance to an individual teaching. The areas most commonly explored are teachers beliefs about teaching, learning, and learners; subject matter; self as a teacher, or the role of a teacher (Calderhead, 1995). Besides that, teachers beliefs do play a central role in the process of teacher development. Those beliefs form part of the process of understanding how teachers conceptualize their work as a teacher. Tattos (1996, p. 155) important work on beliefs concluded lay cultural norms among enrollees are strongly ingrained and that most teacher education, as it is currently structured, is a weak intervention to alter particular views regarding the teaching and management of diverse learners. Another study shows that a persons belief system has pervasive effects in different spheres of activity- ideological, conceptual, perceptual, and esthetic (Rokeach, 1960, p. 288). In addition, Brown found that certain philosophical beliefs and educational beliefs were effective in predicting agreement-disagreement with experimentalism of classroom practice. Indications were that professed educational beliefs had a generalized effect on teaching behavior; specific fundamental beliefs were most powerful in influencing specific classroom behaviors (Brown Webb, 1968, p. 215). To support those beliefs, Clark and Peterson (1986) proposed that: The most resilient or core teachers beliefs are formed on the basis of teachers own schooling as young students while observing teachers who taught them. Subsequent teacher education appears not to disturb these early beliefs, not least, perhaps, because it rarely addresses them. If teachers actually try out a particular innovation which does not initially conform to their prior beliefs or principles and the innovation proves helpful or successful, then accommodation of an alternative belief or principle is more possible than in any other circumstance. For the notice teacher, classroom experience and day to day interaction with colleagues has the potential to influence particular relationships among beliefs and principles, and, over time, consolidate the individuals permutation of them. Nevertheless, it seems that greater experience does not lead to greater adaptability in our beliefs and, thereby, the abandonment of strongly held pedagogic principles. Quite the contrary in fact. The more experience we have, the more reliant on our core principles we have become and the less conscious we are doing so. Professional development which engages teachers in a direct exploration if their beliefs and principles may provide the opportunity for greater self-awareness through reflection and critical questioning as starting points for later adaptation. The teachers conceptualizations of, for example, language, learning, and teaching are situated within that persons wider belief system concerning such issues as human nature, culture, society, education and so on. Consequently, teachers belief about the importance of teaching have a great impact on their teaching practices (Salmon, 1988). The next section will look at teachers belief about teaching practicum. 2.3.2 Teachers belief about teaching practicum The term practicum is used generically to refer to the different types of school attachment; namely, school experience, teaching assistantship, teaching practice and so forth that pre-service students will be undergoing as part their initial teacher preparation programme. The school-based practicum is designed to enable student teachers to observe a teachers real work of work, and to apply and refine the knowledge and skills acquired through course-work in classroom teaching. Student teachers are to use the opportunities during the practicum to integrate education theory and practice and to widen their practical experiences. In the context of teaching practicum, a student teacher is expected to apply what they have learned theoretically. To maximize the utility of practicum, it is important that teacher trainers actively promote the effective learning during the practicum period. Effective learning should be concerned with the learning of organized wholes of knowledge. It is a process that involves developing the ability to identify the objectives one is seeking and, within a flexible framework, optimizing a programme to meet these objectives, in line with individual learning attributes. Effective learning also needs to achieve transference of knowledge from the artificiality of a training course, to practical application where the trainees adapts acquired knowledge to the perceived needs of a particular problem or situation (Robotham, 2003). Many researches claim that teaching practicum is a central element in most pre-service teacher education programmes. Many also debates about the assessment of the practice of student teachers often reflect ongoing philosophical debates about the nature of teacher education (Brown, 1996) and traditional barriers between teachers and academics (Groundwater-Smith, 1997). A set of written criteria used to assess the competence of pre-service secondary teacher education students during practicum. The dimensions of the assessment protocol did not appear to be based on any articulated theory of good teaching practice, and there were significant doubts about the extent to which the various groups of stakeholders had a shared understanding of the standards implied in the criteria. In education what we label as standards are socially constructed and frequently fuzzy (Sadler, 1987) and require the shared understanding of a construct in a community of practice (Wiliam, 1996). 2.4 Related Research Studies 2.4.1 Pre-service teachers beliefs about teaching practicum Prior to actual teaching experiences, pre-service teachers derive their initial views on teaching from at least two sources. Firstly, it comes from their personal experiences as students, consisting of their interactions with and exposures to various teachers throughout their school life, with such factors having a tendency to influence their reasons for career choice, as well as beliefs and practices on their professional lives (Ben-Petetz, 2003; Bramald, Hardman, Leat, 1995; Saban, 2003). Secondly, it results from pre-service teachers forming their conceptual repertoires as they undergo the formal training provided by teacher educational programs (Bermald, 1995; Dunkin, Precian, Nettle, 1994; Nettle, 1998), initially consisting of theoretical knowledge through foundation and methods courses, and eventually progressing or culminating into the application of such theories via the so-called practice teaching. Few studies have been done in pre-service teachers. The following assumptions are fundamental to a justification of practice as a part of the training of teachers: Teaching is behavior, and as behavior is subject to analysis, change, and improvement. Much of the habitual behavior which individuals have developed in other contexts is inappropriate for the teaching situation. Under present conditions, much teaching is conducted under conditions of stress. Teaching is an extremely complex kind of behavior, involving the full range of thought processes, communication and physical action. Teachers, through practice can learn to analyze, criticize and control their own teaching behavior. Practice has the dual purpose of training and the elimination of the unfit. Practice provides the experience which gives meaning to many other aspects of instruction in education (teaching). The beliefs of pre-service TESL teachers have may merit their own exploration. These beliefs may influence students in acquisition of knowledge, selection and definition of specific teaching tasks, and interpretation of knowledge, and interpretation of course content. Puchta (1999) asserts that beliefs are guiding principles of our students behavior and strong perceptual filtersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ they act as if they were true. On the other hand, Dunkin (1994) claims that how student-teachers views on teaching may be influenced by formal teaching practicum programme. Kennedy (1996) hypothesizes that real and effective change in teachers practices can only occur through a change in their beliefsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the way teachers behave.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Indigenous Religions of the World Essay -- Religion
Indigenous religions exist in every climate around the world and exhibit a wide range of differences in their stories, language, customs, and views of the afterlife. Within indigenous communities, religion, social behavior, art, and music are so intertwined that their religion is a significant part of their culture and virtually inseparable from it. These religions originally developed and thrived in isolation from one another and are some of the earliest examples of religious practice and belief. The modern world; however, has taken its toll on these groups and many of their stories, customs, and beliefs have been lost to, or replaced by, those brought in as a result of popular culture and the missionary work of Christians and Muslims. The survival of indigenous religions has been faced with many challenges. In addition to the rapid spread and Christianity and Islam, a number of other factors affect their survival, including struggles associated with the â€Å"maintaining of local indigenous worldviews, languages, and environments†(McKinley, Elizabeth). The spread of popular culture from increased travel, television, radio, and the internet is a source of threat to the cultural views of indigenous people and their religious practices. Traditional indigenous clothing is being replaced with business suits and baseball caps and traditional styles of building are being replaced with the â€Å"international style†of architecture (Molloy, Michael). Science and technology is providing explanations for naturally occurring events that indigenous people have historically related to the will of the gods and indigenous artifacts originally of religious nature are being downplayed simply as indigenous works of art. For indigenous culture... ... - Survival International." Survival International. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. . 4) McKinley, Elizabeth. â€Å"Locating The Global: Culture, Language And Science Education For Indigenous Students. †International Journal of Science Education 27.2 (2005): 227-241. Academic Search Premier. Web.19 Apr. 2012. 5) Molloy, Michael. Experiencing the World's Religions: Tradition, Challenge, and Change. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print 6) "New Zealand Culture - Maori." New Zealand Travel and New Zealand Business. Tourism New Zealand, 2011. Web. 23 Apr. 2012. . 7) Wilford, John Noble. "World's Language Dying Off Rapidly." The New York Times, 18 Sept. 2007. Web. 15 Apr. 2012. .
Monday, November 11, 2019
Expressions of Attitudes Through Tone and Use of Words Essay
â€Å"Forgiving My Father†, â€Å"Those Winter Sundays†, â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz†, and â€Å"Father From Asia†are literary pieces that tell about the fathers and the attitudes of the speakers towards them. The personas express their different feelings for the father they had. Lucille Clifton’s â€Å"Forgiving My Father†talks about a daughter’s bitterness towards her father. Throughout the poem, the negative side of the patriarch is shown. The persona describes what her father did, and it shows him as an irresponsible provider as he doesn’t give his family what they need. The speaker says that the father would give all that he has which was nothing. She also mentions what she wants to do and what she would’ve done. Although the title is about forgiving the father, the poem doesn’t seem to speak about forgiveness at all. The mood is the same in Shirley Geok-Lin Lim’s â€Å"Father From Asia†. The father is also depicted as a lousy provider. It was also mentioned in the poem that there is a large gap between the whole family and the father. Anger resonates throughout the poem as the speaker expresses his/her sentiments towards the father who brought poverty to the family. In the next piece, â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz†by Theodore Roethke, the persona tells of how he was feeling and experiencing as his father was â€Å"waltzing†him. In the poem, the persona simply narrates his experience in detail, which makes the father appear to be abusing them. Roethke’s use of words, such as â€Å"hung on like death†, â€Å"romped†and â€Å"battered†, make the poem appear violent. â€Å"Those Winter Sundays†by Robert Hayden tells the story of a son remembering an event wherein he saw his father’s ways of providing for his family. The boy recounts what his father did on a winter day, and the efforts to keep the family comfortable. The poem implies a lack of communication or a gap between the father and son. This may be the reason why the son failed to recognize, at that time, that this was his father‘s way of showing that he cares. But the last two lines of the piece seem to express his appreciation for what the father did for him and his family. This poem appears to have a tone of regret for not recognizing a father’s love. Of all these four, Lim’s â€Å"Father From Asia†seems to express anger the most. She speaks of her father as though he is just a worthless creature. As her narration says, the father does not give her and her family anything. The tone in the poem somehow makes the readers feel for the speaker. Author Shirley Geok-Lin Lim uses words that are so full of resentment that readers can also feel the hatred of the persona. Even though she already seems to understand their situation, resentment is still reflected in the poem. The father is the one she blames for the poverty she experienced in her childhood. The persona already knows that it would be a waste of time to think about the father who left her with these bad memories, which she compares to worthless dust that can easily be blown away. This leads her to the decision of leaving her past and her father behind. All four fathers did something that made the speakers angry. In the cases of the characters of Roethke, Clifton and Hayden, there seems to be forgiveness. The speaker in â€Å"Those Winter Sundays†admitted that he is also to blame for the poor relationship he had with his father. Through this and his own reasoning he has resolved the resentments he had for his father. Even though the speaker’s feelings for his father were not implied in the first two stanzas, the last stanza of the poem shows what his relationship with his father was and what he really felt towards him. In Roethke’s work, the persona’s forgiveness was shown through the analogy he made between the abuse he experienced and a waltz. He was able to deal with his anger by converting a tragic memory such as an abuse into an enjoyable, and in this case violent, activity which is dancing the waltz. The speaker in Clifton’s â€Å"Forgiving My Father†shows that she has already accepted the past abuses done to her and her mother, although the thought of his father haunts her from time to time. Figures of speech in the poem indicate this. There is also a part of the poem wherein she gives up on him, and she no longer sees him as her responsibility. This shows that the speaker has come to the point of acceptance but it is still hard to say if she has already forgiven the father. However, Lim’s â€Å"Father from Asia†did not show forgiveness, simply because she decided to forget everything about him. Instead of granting the forgiveness to her father, she chooses to banish him from her thoughts as though he did not and does not exist at all. She doesn’t want to deal with her feelings for her father anymore, and this is why she opts to bury these feelings. The poems expressed a negative attitude towards the fathers but only Hayden’s persona shows a positive attitude as well. He acknowledges the fact that the father tries to really provide for the family. And at the last stanza he realizes what his father had given him. He realizes that the father did provide warmth and cleanliness for him. These four poems talk about attitudes towards fathers. The authors treated these in different manners which is reflected by their use of words and tone. Nonetheless, all express negative attitudes. There were no clear indications of forgiveness in the part of the speakers, but some manage to show even a little positive attitude towards their fathers.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Salience of Moral Character essay
The Salience of Moral Character essay The Salience of Moral Character essay The Salience of Moral Character essayI have found that the article â€Å"The Salience of Moral Character†by Jon Garthoff is informative and interesting to read and analyze. I agree with many ideas presented by the author in the article. In the article â€Å"The Salience of Moral Character†, Jon Garthoff discusses the nature and role of two notions – moral obligation and first personal moral judgment, which refer to morality. I really appreciate the author’s work, his style of writing and language, the structure of the article, and other aspects of his work, which contribute to revealing the significance of the issue discussed by Jon Gathoff. Morality has always been recognized as an important issue to study because moral ideals lie in the basis of human nature. The author of the article suggests that moral rights are understood as â€Å"corresponding to rules of moral salience which occasion explicit judgment whenever a morally competent person in a stat e of nature considers killing someone, invading his person, or taking his things†(Gathoff 20). The major goal of the author is to prove the fact that the rules of moral salience play an important role in human life, as these rules ensure the appropriate action-guidance that is accomplished not by natural moral rules, but by some different type of rights that are suitable for a particular social environment or context.           I agree with Jon Gathoff that the following notions are crucial in understanding morality and moral cognition: â€Å"moral rules†, â€Å"rules of moral salience†, â€Å"maxims of action†, â€Å"moral worth†, â€Å"moral character†, â€Å"conflicting rules†and â€Å"social rules†. The author’s statement â€Å"The Ten Commandments and other prescriptions drawn from canonized religious texts are treated by many as paradigms of moral content, and guiding oneself by this sort of prescription is treated by many as a paradigm of moral judgment†is true (Garthoff 1). People highly value the Bible and try to use its principles to live honestly. I believe that an individual code of conduct depends on both religious and social rules. Moral thinking helps people to act in a proper way, without committing crimes or demonstrating aggression.           Besides, I agree with the author of the article in his evaluation of moral theory. He writes, â€Å"Since rules are commonplace in ordinary moral thinking, a moral theory must illuminate the proper place of rules in moral thought†(Garthoff 1). I believe that morality is based on the established moral rules and principles that should be formulated and observed by all members of our society.           In addition, the author provides much evidence to support his arguments. He uses the writings of the outstanding philosophers, R oss and Kant, whose philosophic thought helps to explain the wrongness of making false promises; committing immoral actions, etc. Moral rules should be produced to direct all domains of human life. Kant’s moral theory has nothing common with Barbara Herman’s rules of moral salience, which allow human beings to be focused on occasion deliberation. I believe that the author’s flow of thought is clear and comprehensive. He gives explanation to some atypical situations, which require atypical decisions. In this case, â€Å"routine action may be inappropriate†(Garthoff 4).In conclusion, I can say that I enjoyed reading this article because it allowed me to ponder over some significant issues our society face today. The article also allowed me to provide critical reflection upon some important points of the research on morality. Jon Gathoff presented many comprehensive points that could help students to be focused on future research more profoundly.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Beach
The beach is my favorite place to escape to whenever I have to get away from all my troubles. It is a place that is peaceful in its own ways and it makes me feel both calm and relaxed. It is a place where nothing matters but what is in that little moment, where I can let my mind just drift away. As far as I can see there is this bluish water in front of me that goes on for miles and miles. I could sit here forever and never get tired of just staring into the deep water of the ocean. The waves, crashing and crashing, make a steady rhythm that I hear over and over, like a song. It is a harmonious sound that is soft in my ears. It is almost as if the ocean was trying to tell me something. So I listen. I relax as I watch surfers gently glide over the tumbling ocean waves and the light colored sailboats disappear in the distance. Everything has its own unique feeling like the soft, yet grainy sand under my feet as I walk along the shore. The salty air blowing on my face feels wet and cool as it passes by. I can hear seagulls talking to each other as they soar overhead searching for food. The howling wind whistles through the beach like an arriving train. I even spot some dolphins playing in the ocean. Their grayish blue color shimmers in the orange yellow sky, making me feel happy that I got to see them for a short moment. The sun starts to go down. It gives the water an orange glowing look. Couples walk hand in hand next to each other. When I am on the beach I feel calm, happy, relaxed, and somehow even safe. I feel like I don’t have to deal with the world for a while. So I go into my own little world where everything is fine. The crashing of the waves thunder through my ears as someone calls my name. It brings me back to reality while I day dream.... Free Essays on Beach Free Essays on Beach The beach is my favorite place to escape to whenever I have to get away from all my troubles. It is a place that is peaceful in its own ways and it makes me feel both calm and relaxed. It is a place where nothing matters but what is in that little moment, where I can let my mind just drift away. As far as I can see there is this bluish water in front of me that goes on for miles and miles. I could sit here forever and never get tired of just staring into the deep water of the ocean. The waves, crashing and crashing, make a steady rhythm that I hear over and over, like a song. It is a harmonious sound that is soft in my ears. It is almost as if the ocean was trying to tell me something. So I listen. I relax as I watch surfers gently glide over the tumbling ocean waves and the light colored sailboats disappear in the distance. Everything has its own unique feeling like the soft, yet grainy sand under my feet as I walk along the shore. The salty air blowing on my face feels wet and cool as it passes by. I can hear seagulls talking to each other as they soar overhead searching for food. The howling wind whistles through the beach like an arriving train. I even spot some dolphins playing in the ocean. Their grayish blue color shimmers in the orange yellow sky, making me feel happy that I got to see them for a short moment. The sun starts to go down. It gives the water an orange glowing look. Couples walk hand in hand next to each other. When I am on the beach I feel calm, happy, relaxed, and somehow even safe. I feel like I don’t have to deal with the world for a while. So I go into my own little world where everything is fine. The crashing of the waves thunder through my ears as someone calls my name. It brings me back to reality while I day dream....
Monday, November 4, 2019
ENTRY MODE AND PARTNER SELECTION IN TURKEY - Article Example Different firms with different times of entry into the Turkish market are highlighted. Specifically, Danish firms have collaborated with Turkish firms in doing business. This is done through establishing joint ventures by the concerned and interested firms. Successful business aspects are highly dependent on strategies. Decisions have to be made and interests into the activities to be undertaken must be clear. In this regard, collaboration with Turkey-based firms is seen as an easier route to operationalize foreign and new firms in Turkey (Beamish & Killing 176). Over and above effective collaborations, management is another critical area to consider. Successful management is an aiding route to business success. This of course must be undertaken within a favorable environment, where in this case Turkey is the environment. Therefore, joint venture mode of entry is fundamental if all market variables are to be exploited, but the right partner combination is of great importance. Firms operate under different goal and objectives. The underlying interest is to minimize costs of operations and consequently maximize business benefits, measured by profitability level. There are reasons why firms targeting the Turkish market opt to establish joint ventures other than seeking to establish individual business operations. It is more likely that there are significant barriers to entry into the Turkish market for a foreign firm and also high competition that is likely to negatively influence new local firms. The joint venture activity therefore becomes a strategic entry option in a bid to realize the expected business outcome by firms in different
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The film Super Size Me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The film Super Size Me - Essay Example My current fast food intake is once or twice per month. The fast food restaurant is usually McDonald's or a local fast food place called Pop's, which serves burgers and Italian beef sandwiches. The first fact I would like to mention is that obesity is now second only to smoking as the leading cause of death in America. Obesity is a common problem in the United States, as many Americans are sedentary in their jobs, and do not make time for or do not have time for exercise. On top of this, as a nation we are consuming a mass amount of junk food as well as frequenting fast food restaurants with regularity. This is unhealthy. From a nutrition standpoint, we should be cooking more meals at home, which is healthier, and trying to eat balanced diets which include fresh fruits and vegetables, a small portion of meat if that is acceptable, and whole grains, with a minimum amount of fat which isn't trans fat or polyunsaturated fat. An emphasis should be placed on a balanced diet with a certain number of small fats and oils in the diet, which are necessary for the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K. Obesity is a problem in America not just because of the fact that people are not g etting enough exercise. The diseases that come along with obesity-such as heart attack, stroke, and diabetes-are all risk factors that one engenders when one is not at a healthy weight. At the current rate, one in three children born today are at risk of developing diabetes. That is an alarming rate that we should be worried about as a nation. One of the obese men in Super Size Me was getting laparascopic surgery to reduce the size of his stomach and to eliminate his diabetic problems. He admitted to drinking two gallons of diet soda per day. That is a red flag right there, but it leads me to my next point, which is a continuing problem: the proliferation of sugared candies and sodas. Here is a second astonishing fact. According to Super Size Me, the average American child sees 10,000 food advertisements on television per year, and ninety-five percent of those are for sugared cereals, soft drinks, or candy. Advertising for McDonald's and soda and candy companies, according to the movie, was obviously tremendously high. Children didn't know who Jesus were but they sure knew who Ronald McDonald was! That just goes to show the power of advertising. The danger of advertising these high-fructose products to kids are that they will get addicted at an early age to sugar, and that will feed into a life-long need for candy and sodas that will breed itself in adulthood. It is a precursor to medical conditions that are silent killers-cancer, heart failure, stroke, and diabetes. Now, here is fact number three. Each day, one in four Americans visits a fast food restaurant, and 46 million visit McDonald's daily-that is more people than the population of Spain. The fact that so many people
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